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[D&D 5E] Securing the Alliance: An Adventure in Tethyr (IC)

"Your common is bad and you should internalize those feelings to feel same way!" Gnorth smirks, oblivious to his own grammatical mistakes. Feeling the Weave all around him, Gnorth infuses his words with power, making the insult potentially hit harder for the 'smarter' giantkin. With some of his residual power, he looks over to Brue and uses hhis words to empower her. "Show them what happens when we knock, eh?"

Drawing his warhammer, wincing at the pain in his side, he staggers backwards, ready to defend himself and provide a wall for Boddynock, if need be.

OOC: Action: Vicious Mockery on whichever ogre spoke! Wisdom Save DC 13. If failed, [roll0] and target has disadvantage on the next attack roll it makes before the end of its next turn. Bonus Action, Give Brue an inspiration dice (d6). Move: Draw that hammer and move up to I-1.

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Brue unsheathed the stone maul the group recovered recently from the cave. She grinned at Gnorth, then sallied forth into the fray and swung her new toy at the foremost ogre.

[sblock=OOC]Can I apply the inspiration after I see the attack roll? Am without a book until this evening.

Move: F7
Action: Attack with (magical?) maul, [roll0] for [roll1] damage
Bonus Action: None
Reaction: None

AC 17
hp 39/39


Lorenzo scowls at being interrupted, turning to face the ogres, drawing his blade, he salutes his foes and darts forward, seeking to draw their attention.

OOC: Interaction: draw sword
Move: E5
Action: Attack lead ogre.

attack - [roll0]
damage - [roll1]

HP: 27/27 AC: 19


"Oh boy, here we go again!"
No clear tactical advantages this time, Corilo thought: this was going to be much harder. He started firing as fast as he could.

OOC: Corilo moves to D1 and shoots with his action, bonus action AND his action point.

Targets: the ogre wounded by Brue and Lorenzo comes first (it's the one in D6, I believe). If that one falls, the remaining attacks are for the ogre in B5.

First attack roll:[roll0]
Damage roll:[roll1]

Second attack roll:[roll2]
Damage roll:[roll3]

Third attack roll:[roll4]
Damage roll:[roll5]

In case of a miss (unless it's a natural roll of 1), Corilo will use a superiority die for the precision attack maneuver.
Precision Attack roll:[roll6]

Forged Fury

First Post
Boddynock cringed in terror when more ogres showed up and there wasn't a cave mouth to bottle them up, the gnome knew the creatures preferred gnome flesh. Scurrying behind the cover provided by Gnorth, the diminutive sorcerer conjured a protective barrier about himself.

OOC: Move: J1
Action: Cast Mage Armor

Forged Fury

First Post
The ogres spread out and attacked. Two of the brutes, including one frowning over its poor grasp of common, focused their ire on Brue. The first creature missed, distracted by trying to properly pronounce the word potato. The second ogre's swing, however, looked like it was going to find its mark. The final ogre moved toward Corilo, but stopped to deal with Lorenzo first. Its swing went wide.

OOC: Ogre1 Attack (Brue w/Disadvantage): [roll0]/[roll1], Damage: [roll2]
Ogre2 Attack (Lorenzo): [roll3], Damage: [roll4]
Ogre3 Attack (Brue): [roll5], Damage: [roll6]

@CanadienneBacon I believe Brue can spend her Reaction to use the Combat Inspiration she has from Gnorth. She might be able to raise her AC enough to avoid the hit, as long as she doesn't roll a 1.
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Forged Fury

First Post
Round 2

GM: Initiative
Corilo: 14
Lorenzo: 13
Gnorth: 12
Boddynock: 11
Brue: 9
Ogres: 9

Corilo: Moves to I6 and fires at Ogre1 and hitting for 14 points of damage. Ogre1 falls to the ground dead.
Lorenzo: Attacked Ogre2, missed. Successfully hit with an OA for 4 points of piercing damage
Gnorth: Viciously mocked Ogre2, save failed. Delivered 1 point of psychic damage and disadvantage on Ogre2s next attack.
Boddynock: Cast fire bolt on Ogre 2, hit for 1 point of fire damage.
Brue: Attacks Ogre3, hitting for 12 points of bludgeoning damage.

Ogre1: Dead
Ogre2: Charged Gnorth and missed with his attack, due to disadvantage.
Ogre3: Attacked Brue, hit for 15 points of bludgeoning damage.

Post at will. Ogre1 looks to be in pretty poor shape. The other two are untouched.
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Brue--inspired by Gnorth's bravery and Lorenzo's salute to his foe--dodged out of the way of Ogre3's blow. She'd have to remember to thank the half-orc later; he was proving good in a fight. After dodging the Ogre's blow, Brue zeroed in on her target. She shifted position slightly, then swung again at the southernmost ogre.

[sblock=OOC]Move: F8
Action: Attack the southernmost ogre [roll0] for [roll1] [roll2] damage with the maul
Bonus Action: None
Reaction: None

hp 39/39

EDIT: GWF re-roll came up 6, so if that hits total damage will be 12 points


After three bolts in the chest and a beating from Lorenzo and Brue, the ogre was still standing. "Die, freak!" Corilo shouted, losing himself in the heat of battle.

OOC: Corilo moves to I6, steering clear from the closest ogre to avoid opportunity attacks.

Then, he shoots with his action and his bonus action.

Targets: the almost dead ogre. If that one falls, the remaining attack is for the ogre in C3.

First attack roll:[roll0]
Damage roll:[roll1]

Second attack roll:[roll2]
Damage roll:[roll3]

In case of a miss (unless it's a natural roll of 1), Corilo will use a superiority die for the precision attack maneuver.

IF the wounded ogre dies on Corilo's first attack, AND If precision attack is not needed, Trip attack will be used on the second target. Regardless of which maneuver will be used, here's the superiority die roll for this turn.

Superiority die roll:[roll4]

Gnorth, realizing his job as shield to Boddynock and seeing the position Corilo is in stranded with an ogre on his own, leaps into action. In place. Gnorth is giddy with this sort of thing, the rush of conflict, the stories forming in his mind.

"You swing like a goblin fresh of his mothers teet!" Gnorth laughs, aiming his magic infused words at the ogre. "Though you look far less willing to be off it!"

Gnorth debated if that was a bit much.

OOC: Standard: Vicious Mockery at the ogre nearest to Corilo. Will Save DC 13 or take [roll0] damage and have disadvantage on next attack roll . Move: Stay in place, debating a swig of whiskey. Bonus: N/A.

Voidrunner's Codex

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