D&D 5th Edition Dungeon Master's Guide


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5 out of 5 rating for D&D 5th Edition Dungeon Master's Guide

Been skimming through this book since I have gotten it, and it provides a lot of information. My only critique of it is that it is too expensive for its length. When compared to similar products of similar lengths, it is at least 25% more expensive than any other such book I personally have come across. Much of this comes from the beautiful art that fills the book and the high quality of binding and pages, but I feel that a lot of it comes from the WotC logo on it and the D&D brand. People will (and have) buy it, therefore why cost it competitively?

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4 out of 5 rating for D&D 5th Edition Dungeon Master's Guide

It’s not necessarily the best book I’ve ever read for designing worlds and campaigns, but it’s a solid enough finale for the new core D&D rule books.


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5 out of 5 rating for D&D 5th Edition Dungeon Master's Guide

Okay I've spent some time now with the book and have gone through it. There is a lot here and I simply only have to say it is the DMG that I've always wanted. The book is the best of the three core books in my opinion and that is a lot to say, because I adore the Player's handbook (I bought three for our home) and the Monster Manual is nothing to knock. The book is not only beautiful, but well played out, stays true to its intention, adds so much to my games, and frankly is just about perfect. Thank you, thank you to all those who put this book and the whole set together. This is the perfect cap to the basic rule books. My children and I are having the time of our lives and making wonderful memories. Thank you.


3 out of 5 rating for D&D 5th Edition Dungeon Master's Guide

I'm not offended at having purchased it. It does include most/all of the things that I would have expected and a few that I didn't... However, I'm not really all that stunned by the DMG in the same way that the PHB and MM floored me. Its fairly practical, so that's nice.

5 out of 5 rating for D&D 5th Edition Dungeon Master's Guide

It has optional rules and a strong core. It is a great read for new DMs and a better then fair one for the experienced DM


5 out of 5 rating for D&D 5th Edition Dungeon Master's Guide

This is a superb product, with art that provokes the senses, rules explanations that are common sense and simple, plenty of rule options for people who like tweaking (and which DM doesn't?) and many extremely helpful tips that even experienced DMs will appreciate. The book is crammed full of great advice, inspiring ideas and useful tables, and the treasure section is, well, a treasure to behold. This book makes excellent use of D&D's 40 years of history and lore to make DMing seem fun again and not just an exercise in number-crunching. Highly recommended!


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2 out of 5 rating for D&D 5th Edition Dungeon Master's Guide

I had decided with the upcoming release of 5E to move away from 1E AD&D and play the new version of Dungeons and Dragons. I played the beta version; it seemed ok, a little simplistic. I purchased the PH when it came out and thought it was ok, as I did with the MM when it was released. As I had been working on a campaign setting for 5E, I was anxious for the release of the DMG. However, the actual product has been a big disappointment. Like all of the core rule books, it is over-priced at $49.99. Unlike the other 5E core books, the actual amount of valuable content was minimal. By and large the 5E DMG is likely to be useful only to inexperienced DMs. 90% of the book is cookie cutter tips on campaign design. For my purposes, the 5E take on magic items was the only useful information. The tables were poorly organized - relative rarity being the method by which they were compiled. It makes no sense that there are no tables by item type, no swords table, ring table, wands table, etc. Compared to the original Dungeon Masters Guide, the current DMG is barely worthy of the name.

The Escapist

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4 out of 5 rating for D&D 5th Edition Dungeon Master's Guide

The DMG's greatest strength is its greatest weakness - it covers so many useful topics that it has to do some of them a disservice. It's a must-buy book for 5e players, but I don t expect I had to tell you that. If you're still fence-sitting on this edition of D&D, leafing through this book will tell you whether you can twist it into something you want to play or not.

4 out of 5 rating for D&D 5th Edition Dungeon Master's Guide

A lot of optional rules, big list of magic items and giving them history and quirks, love it!A little heavy on the Plane stuff and I could have done with less of that but it really covered world building very well.Great art and it brings back the old feeling of D&D back. Definitely a easy book to read and great for a new DM.

Voidrunner's Codex

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