D&D 5th Edition Dungeon Master's Guide


5 out of 5 rating for D&D 5th Edition Dungeon Master's Guide

I delayed in purpose to rate it because i wanted to test various aspects and rules that where inside. Although it is not perfect, it is probably the most easy to read and the infos that have helps you to run the game. You can make ad-hoc npcs-dungeons-stories. Also it is probably the most beautiful drawn of the three basic books. A final note and a plus. When my gf - a new player - skimed it wanted badly to create and run a game.

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4 out of 5 rating for D&D 5th Edition Dungeon Master's Guide

Awesome tome. The only (minor) complaint is that many topics seem barely touched-upon, but I suppose the lack of depth was necessary in order to cover as much ground as the book manages to do. This one is a keeper...


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5 out of 5 rating for D&D 5th Edition Dungeon Master's Guide

From beginning to end the book is an excellent read. Lots of great modularity is put into the different sections. I'm not big on DMG guides but for what it is worth this is a must buy for the new D&D edition.

3 out of 5 rating for D&D 5th Edition Dungeon Master's Guide

There is a lot of good stuff in this book, as well as a lot of stuff that really should have been in the PHB. It is hard to find, however, because it looks like the authors just threw all the topics into the air and stuck them in the book in whatever order they happened to fall on the ground. For example, chapter 8, "running the game" (which should have been chapter 1) has a nice section on chases, followed by siege engine statistics (not advice on running a siege - just a list of stats), followed by disease, poisons and madness. The sanity rules, however, are in chapter 9.The list of magic items is a mess. There are 64 pages of items, listed A to Z. They should have been listed by type: all the staves, all the rings, all the weapons, etc. If I want to, for example, reward a mage with a staff, there is no one place that lists all the staves - I have to go through 64 pages looking for them. Very poor.There is a section on random dungeons, something that was in this product decades ago. I fondly remember some really silly, but extremely fun, dungeons created by the dice!There are some standout sections in the book, but you have to stumble over them. For example, chapter 3, p85, explains what the point of random encounters is. Excellent. For example, appendix D, p316, a list of books to provide inspiration for a DM.There are many rules that should have been in the PHB. New downtime activities, for example. If you have read any of the D&D 5E book then you already know the quality of the artwork, the colours, the layout. The pictures are great, with a good mix of genders and races. The pictures of the magic items are well done -they will make player handouts look snazzy. There are some of Mike Schley's maps in the back, for no purpose other than to inspire you.One point I am very happy about is that the typeface used in the index is a lot bigger than that of the PHB. Good for my failing eyes.There is great information in this book but I'm marking it down for atrocious organisation and an inadequate table-of-contents. It is, however, pretty-much an essential buy for a DM, and I don't think your money will be wasted..


5 out of 5 rating for D&D 5th Edition Dungeon Master's Guide

Another top product for 5e from WoTC. Weapon speed to initiative invokes old school D&D feel to me!


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5 out of 5 rating for D&D 5th Edition Dungeon Master's Guide

This book, like the other core books, is at the same time a functional, nearly exhaustive guide to its material, but also a love letter to D&D. It gives real, usable advice on players, player types, fantasy genres, and table management.Optional rules are presented with no fuss, and the high quality editing here is very clear, the ideas that make the cut are all interesting.I especially enjoyed the space dedicated to creating your own worlds and adventures. This part was well done and I think a lot of beginning and intermediate DMs will be able to put this to use in creating their first (or next) home-brew campaign.


5 out of 5 rating for D&D 5th Edition Dungeon Master's Guide

An enjoyable read, packed with ideas for adventure and campaign design. The final section is invaluable for creating your own material for the game, especially the section on monster design.

RE Casper

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5 out of 5 rating for D&D 5th Edition Dungeon Master's Guide

Personally, I've forever been fascinated by D&D and even had some books as a kid, but only recently (at 30) have I had the time and opportunity to gather people to learn with me and delve into into our imaginations. This release has proven to be perfect for new players. Easy to follow, more simplified (in a good way) rulesets and artwork that is not only thought provoking, but jaw dropping. Just overall, a great guidebook. We first attempted to get started with 3.5 (D20), had no desire for 4E and eventually purchased the full trinity of 5E and we couldn't be happier.If I had to split hairs, I would have liked to seen more edge of page graphics, differentiating the chapters/sections. But thats wishing, not necessity.

Voidrunner's Codex

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