D&D 5E D&D as prophetic social development

In D&D you can be anything. Want to be an elf, sure! Want to be an Orc, fine! Feel more connected to something in-between - that’s cool too! In D&D others ask you how you identify and how to identify you. D&D NOW is where we will, inevitably be, in another decade. The autonomy and self-determination of role playing games is leading the way towards social inclusion and acceptance of identity hitherto kept marginalised by dominant gender, sexual, racial, social, economic, spiritual and class identities. By offering such a panoply of character options RPGs are building character towards a just, equitable and inclusive future. The fundamental mechanics of the games are based on navigating and participating in continua of attributes (Str, Dex, Con, Int, Wis, Dex) and moral/social alignment. All things are fluid and possible! Even the way you make yourself in-game provides options; give it over to chance and the luck of the die, or self actualise though intentional decision in points-buy. D&D and RPG in general offer us a chance to explore, experience and plan for the justice yet to be born.

Just barf.

Paying money for escapism. Hoping for a few meager hours to not worry about starving abused children, the riots outside my house for a few or the shortness of my mortal life etc. and the last thing I need is for your chocolate to get in my peanut butter.

For f**k's sake your enlightened character is probably a murderer!
By current standards! Have fun for a minute!

And if the game frees you to be something society doesn't allow right now then enjoy that too. But let's realize sometimes entertainment is entertainment and a cigar is a cigar!

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Rent-seeking describes...
The purpose of the OGL ....
Yeah, I'm familiar ... and OK, so you mean on the business side, not metaphorically.

This is an example of how powerful entities like to pay lip service to social justice issues (i.e. the couple of sentences of fluff in the PHB about gender and sexual orientation) while still being complete A-holes behind the scenes in areas that actually matter to their bottom line.
'Powerful entities' in the context of our teeny hobby is kinda ironic. ;)

'Powerful entities' in the context of our teeny hobby is kinda ironic. ;)

If RL became more like D&D we'd all be in trouble. What age do elves get pensions? Should undead get free healthcare? Are banks obliged to accept gold pieces? Can you sue a dragon if it overflies an airport and causes flight delays? Is it legal to Misty Step through a red traffic light? Who owns my house if I get reincarnated as a swarm of bees? And what if different countries adopt different editions?

It is true that I designed my 4e Warlock with high CHR so I would make myself practice something I don't enjoy doing in real life: being the 'face' for a group.
This is called 'role-playing', not 'diversity'.

I'm glad OP is so enthusiastic, but I also think he is off-base.

D&D is already inclusive and tolerant - without bragging to everybody how inclusive and tolerant we are.

If RL became more like D&D we'd all be in trouble. What age do elves get pensions?
Trick question. Nobody gets pensions these days, and elves are too chaotic to work at one job long enough to earn one, anyway.

Should undead get free healthcare?
What would they do with it? Besides, they don't need hand-outs, they have all that life-insurance money to spend.

Are banks obliged to accept gold pieces?
Interestingly the laws governing gold have changed a lot, I'm honestly not sure how it stands atm. They wouldn't be legal tender in the US, for instance.

Can you sue a dragon if it overflies an airport and causes flight delays?

Is it legal to Misty Step through a red traffic light?
If the traffic light exists in both the material and ethereal planes.

Who owns my house if I get reincarnated as a swarm of bees?
Your heirs.

And what if different countries adopt different editions?
Clearly there would be a global, thermonuclear, edition war.

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