D&D Basic Rules Website - A Handy Browseable Resource!

A decade ago, we had online System Reference Documents. Paizo has its online Pathfinder Reference Document. And now there's the brand new official D&D Basic Rules website! That's right - the 5th Edition basic rules online for free in an easily navigable web format. (Thanks to Jester Canuck for spotting it!) That's not the PDF you already have - it's browseable online resource.

A decade ago, we had online System Reference Documents. Paizo has its online Pathfinder Reference Document. And now there's the brand new official D&D Basic Rules website! That's right - the 5th Edition basic rules online for free in an easily navigable web format. (Thanks to Jester Canuck for spotting it!) That's not the PDF you already have - it's browseable online resource.

I don't know how long it's been there; I assume it's brand new. You can find it right here! And it's a marvellous thing, indeed! It even appears to have a nifty mobile device format, making the D&D rules accessible at a moment's notice just like we've become accustomed to with other games.

(This post originally by Jester Canuck; promoted to article and edited by Morrus).

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Nice. Very positive step. Now please announce your OGL alternative and Dungeon/Dragon print magazines, and I'll die a happy gamer.
Mike Mearls: "We're exploring options for the magazines right now. Nothing to announce yet, but we know they're an important part of D&D's history. That said, the magazine business is in rough shape. Subscriptions to them were dropping heavily in their last years in print, and that was six years ago. You can expect anything we do will be delivered digitally."

My emphasis.


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I can't seem to find this easy mobile access option? It's a bit of a scroll-fest for me to be honest.

Is there an in-rules search function I'm not seeing? Using a Galaxy S4.


Thanks Jester Canuck for bringing it to our attention. This is marvellous by Wizards.
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First Post
I'm so happy they finally have links for more convenient navigation. (Speaking particularly of spells, here.) I still don't know why they did not do this with the PDF files. PDF supports links, why not use them?

I found there were a few navigational issues using chrome on Android (and on the Mac); hopefully these kinks will be ironed out. (For example, clicking a spell link in the main list while its level was collapsed didn't actually open its level. But once I opened all the levels, then the links worked very well.) Generally, the navigation was pretty convenient though.

aramis erak

I can't seem to find this easy mobile access option? It's a bit of a scroll-fest for me to be honest.

Is there an in-rules search function I'm not seeing? Using a Galaxy S4.

Your web browser has a search feature. The whole content is in a single HTML file, so if you open all the collapsing sections, you can use the browser's on-page search.

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