D&D General D&D Cartoon Characters In WizKids 50th Anniversary Miniatures

Upcoming miniatures line includes the characters from the 1980s Dungeons & Dragons cartoon series.

WizKids' upcoming miniatures line includes the characters from the 1980s Dungeons & Dragons cartoon series, according to Dextero, which is sharing pictures of three of the minis--Uni the Unicorn, Shiela the Thief, and Bobby the Barbarian.

These miniatures are part of the D&D Icons of the Realms: 50th Anniversary Booster Set, which also includes Vecna and Strahd Von Zarovich. The set has 50 miniatures in total, including 10 rare figures, including the cartoon characters.

The other cartoon characters--Hank the Ranger, Eric the Cavalier, and Diana the Acrobat--were part of the D&D Idols of The Realms Dragons of Stormwreck Isle set, so it's not clear if they're in the 50th Anniversary set also.


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Aspiring Trickster Mentor
Buy them! The more money we throw at the nostalgia miniatures the more likley we are to get a Northlord figure! This dude was my favorite! Huge helmet, micro skirt, sash! What's not to love.

View attachment 356074
LOL. Can't argue with that! In the meantime, you could try to pick up Masters of the Universe: Battleground (Masters of the Universe: Battleground) and paint He-Man as Northlord! :) (And in my defense of NOT spending money, I DID just pick up the Beholder and Displacer Beast actions figures--admittedly on deep discount--on HasbroPulse!)
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I was thinking that they ripped off the same shield

It's D&D a +1 shield gets looted and used for generations. Sure maybe you slap some paint on it to better match your outfit, but you don't pass up magic items.

DM: The decayed corpse in this sarcafigi has turned to a rotten ooze. The plate armor though is still in perfect shape, gleaming black and adorned with symbols of evil and etched with vile atrocities of murder and cannibalism. It radiates strong magic.

Paladin: I'm the only one proficient in heavy armor guys. I dump out the corpse goo and try it on.


Aspiring Trickster Mentor
It's D&D a +1 shield gets looted and used for generations. Sure maybe you slap some paint on it to better match your outfit, but you don't pass up magic items.

DM: The decayed corpse in this sarcafigi has turned to a rotten ooze. The plate armor though is still in perfect shape, gleaming black and adorned with symbols of evil and etched with vile atrocities of murder and cannibalism. It radiates strong magic.

Paladin: I'm the only one proficient in heavy armor guys. I dump out the corpse goo and try it on.
This is literally what just happened with Wongo's mace in the Tomb of Annihilation campaign I'm in.


Keep in mind, they're showing off the digital versions of the miniatures, too. What you actually get in the boxes is going to be much, MUCH lower quality, just like the D&D Idols of The Realms Dragons of Stormwreck Isle set... If those set characters weren't wearing the traditional outfits, I never in a hundred years would have guessed that's who they were supposed to be; they're so unlike the characters from the cartoon.

And...Hank is a Fighter, eh? LOL It's almost like someone never watched a single episode of the cartoon.

Oh, and the "Cleric"? They bombed hard on that one. They missed a golden opportunity to make that Aleena, every 80's/BECMI D&D fan's favorite cleric of all time.


Keep in mind, they're showing off the digital versions of the miniatures, too. What you actually get in the boxes is going to be much, MUCH lower quality, just like the D&D Idols of The Realms Dragons of Stormwreck Isle set... If those set characters weren't wearing the traditional outfits, I never in a hundred years would have guessed that's who they were supposed to be; they're so unlike the characters from the cartoon.

And...Hank is a Fighter, eh? LOL It's almost like someone never watched a single episode of the cartoon.

Oh, and the "Cleric"? They bombed hard on that one. They missed a golden opportunity to make that Aleena, every 80's/BECMI D&D fan's favorite cleric of all time.
Mercion has the benefit of still being alive.

After all, your fighter got her killed. #BargleDidNothingWrong

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