D&D General D&D Cartoon Characters In WizKids 50th Anniversary Miniatures

WizKids' upcoming miniatures line includes the characters from the 1980s Dungeons & Dragons cartoon series, according to Dextero, which is sharing pictures of three of the minis--Uni the Unicorn, Shiela the Thief, and Bobby the Barbarian.

These miniatures are part of the D&D Icons of the Realms: 50th Anniversary Booster Set, which also includes Vecna and Strahd Von Zarovich. The set has 50 miniatures in total, including 10 rare figures, including the cartoon characters.

The other cartoon characters--Hank the Ranger, Eric the Cavalier, and Diana the Acrobat--were part of the D&D Idols of The Realms Dragons of Stormwreck Isle set, so it's not clear if they're in the 50th Anniversary set also.


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I’m looking forward to this set of minis, just trying to figure out how I’m going to purchase them….singles from known eBay stores or spend a bunch on packs although I’m liking the recent “complete sets” that wizkids has in their store now. Wish they’d do that with this one.
Coming back to update as they are tentatively scheduled to release this month….and I just ended up buying a brick of 8 boxes for this set. I haven’t did that since around 2016ish for a brick. So I hope I don’t get a bunch of repeats but whatever I don’t get and still want, I’ll pick up off eBay. Now if they would just get here soon to open them like a kid at Christmas :)

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So my update with the brick and a few boxes I picked up at a local game store in Indy while there for work, a couple from eBay (prices high right now)….i got 50 of the 60 missing the 5e dwarf, lolth spider form, Paladin from hell, red box fighter, venger, Sheila are the main ones I want to try and get still.

Is it just me or does it look like Wizkids regressed on their paint jobs with this line? Fizban's and WItchlight were really slick, these look like late WOTC prepainteds.

Having seen them up close and a few duplicates….they appear like the typical mini paint jobs as of late. Uni looks odd as they went with a dark / black wash on a white unicorn…odd choice and doesn’t look good.

Having seen them up close and a few duplicates….they appear like the typical mini paint jobs as of late. Uni looks odd as they went with a dark / black wash on a white unicorn…odd choice and doesn’t look good.
Yeah I bought a box and was very disappointed with them. MY Fizban collection and even Boneyard looked pretty good but these are so sad.

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