Field plate armor: This is the most com-
mon version of full plate armor, consisting of
shaped and fitted metal plates riveted and
interlocked to cover the entire body. It includes
gauntlets, boots, and a visored helmet. A thick
layer of padding must be worn underneath.
However, the weight of the suit is well-distrib-
uted over the whole body. Such armor ham-
pers movement only slightly. Aside from its
expense, the main disadvantages are the lack
of ventilation and the time required to put it on
and take it off (see the “Getting Into and Out of
Armor” section). Each suit of field plate must
be individually fitted to its owner by a master
armorer, although captured pieces can be
resized to fit the new owner (unless such is
patently absurd, such as a human trying to
resize a halfling’s armor).
Full Plate: This is the impressive, high
Gothic-style armor of the Late Middle Ages
and Renaissance. It is perfectly forged and fit-
ted. All the plates are interlocking and carefully
angled to deflect blows. The surfaces are nor-
mally highly ornamented with etching and
inlaid metals. Each suit must be carefully cus-
tom-fitted to the owner and there is only a
20% chance that a captured suit can be refit-
ted to a new owner of approximately the
same size. The metal plates are backed by
padding and chain mail. The weight is well-
distributed. The armor is hot, slow to don, and
extremely expensive. Due to these factors, it
tends to be used more for parades and tri-
umphs than actual combat.
Hide: This is armor prepared from the extremely thick hide
of a creature (such as an elephant) or from multiple layers of
regular leather. It is stiff and hard to move in.
Leather: This armor is made of leather hardened in boiling
oil and then shaped into breastplate and shoulder protectors.
The remainder of the suit is fashioned from more flexible,
somewhat softer materials.
Padded: This is the simplest type of armor, fashioned from
quilted layers of cloth and batting. It tends to get hot and after
a time becomes foul with sweat, grime, lice, and fleas.
Plate mail: This armor is a combination of chain or brigan-
dine with metal plates (cuirass, epaulettes, elbow guards,
gauntlets, tassets, and greaves) covering vital areas. The
weight is distributed over the whole body and the whole thing
is held together by buckles and straps. This is the most com-
mon form of heavy armor.
Ring mail: This armor is an early (and less effective) form
of chain mail in which metal rings are sewn directly to a
leather backing instead of being interlaced. (Historians still
debate whether this armor ever existed.)
Scale mail: This is a coat and leggings (and perhaps a
separate skirt) of leather covered with overlapping pieces of
metal, much like the scales of a fish.
Shields: All shields improve a character’s Armor Class by 1 or
more against a specified number of attacks. A shield is useful
only to protect the front and flanks of the user. Attacks from the
rear or rear flanks cannot be blocked by a shield (exception: a
shield slung across the back does help defend against rear
attacks). The reference to the size of the shield is relative to the
size of the character. Thus, a human’s small shield would have all
the effects of a medium shield when used by a gnome.
A buckler (or target) is a very small shield that fastens on the
forearm. It can be worn by crossbowmen and archers with no
hindrance. Its small size enables it to protect against only one
attack per melee round (of the user’s choice), improving the
character’s Armor Class by 1 against that attack.
A small shield is carried on the forearm and gripped with the
hand. Its light weight permits the user to carry other items in that
hand (although he cannot use weapons). It can be used to
protect against two frontal attacks of the user’s choice.
The medium shield is carried in the same manner as the
small shield. Its weight prevents the character from using his
shield hand for other purposes. With a medium shield, a char-
acter can protect against any frontal or flank attacks.
The body shield is a massive shield reaching nearly from chin
to toe. It must be firmly fastened to the forearm and the shield
hand must grip it at all times. It provides a great deal of protection,
improving the Armor Class of the character by 1 against melee
attacks and by 2 against missile attacks, for attacks from the front
or front flank sides. It is very heavy; the DM may wish to use the
optional encumbrance system if he allows this shield.
Splint Mail: The existence of this armor has been ques-
tioned. It is claimed that the armor is made of narrow vertical
strips riveted to a backing of leather and cloth padding. Since
this is not flexible, the joints are protected by chain mail.
Studded leather: This armor is made from leather (not
hardened as with normal leather armor) reinforced with close-
set metal rivets. In some ways it is very similar to brigandine,
although the spacing between each metal piece is greater.
In addition to the types of armor listed above, your DM may
have special armors prepared from rare or exotic materials. Since
it is highly unlikely that your character can afford these at the start,
the DM will tell you when you need to know about such items.