I found this one absolutely hilarious. There is no "might as well be a god" with Rad, he's an Immortal. For all intents and purposes, the Immortals are the gods of Mystara. And Rad became a god not though the standard means, no he used an ancient nuclear reactor that's slowly destroying Mystara's magic to become a god on his own terms. Mystara's like that.
Forget the tired Realms vs Greyhawk debates, Realms vs Mystara is much more interesting IMO. People bitch about the Realms being loaded down with magic and high level characters, but they're overlooking how Alphatia is ruled by a council of 1,000 36th-level magic users. I mean, you could have Elminster, Khelben, the Simbul, Alustriel, Halaster, Szass Tam, Larloch, Manshoon and anyone else I left out launch an assault on Mystara (never mind how or why they're actually working together), and Empress Eriadna would just round up her bois and smoke the lot of them without much effort, and on top of it, Glantri
hasn't even gotten involved yet. (Meanwhile, true to form, Volo is sampling all best food, booze and women in Specularum, Sundsvall, Glantri City, Darokin, Thyatis City, and taking notes for his next book

. Volo's Guide to the Known World has kind of a ring to it, don't you think?)
The Princess Ark makes all the skyships in Halruaa look like a fleet of skydinghies.
Ed Greenwood even wrote a Gazetteer, but how many books or boxed sets on the Realms were written by Tom Moldvay, Frank Mentzer, or Bruce Heard? Yeah, that's what I thought.