way back in 2e I ran a game where I made a dozen new % skills like the ones the thief got (rogue now). I then gave them to either all or some of the classes and had a stat give bonus or negative, and some amount of pts per level...Of course, those things are artifacts of the underlying assumptions of the game system. The decision that healing must be magical in nature leads to the need to Healing Word, e.g.
You know what I gave every non caster at 0% and every caster at 10% (and I made it a cha bonus/penalty) Sense Magic... a % chance to concentrate for a moment and feel if magic is present or not.
It was pretty simple in my mind, I imagined that in a world full of magic, every warrior or thief or what ever COULD choose to learn to just feel it.
That was 1998, and also the game where I at a point in the game (kind of like milestone now) after X number of adventures let everyone add +1 to a stat to a max of 19 +/- race mod.