D&D 5E D&D Next playtest post mortem by Mike Mearls and Rodney Thompson. From seven years ago.

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yeah it is just your personal preference...
If you believe your ideas have merit, comment in the upcoming surveys. If enough people do so, perhaps they will change the game. That's why they do playtests and conduct surveys.

Until then, yes, everybody tends to state their preference and does their best to justify their opinion. That's ... kind of what we do around here. No offense to The Dude but saying "that's just, like your opinion man" is a pretty meaningless retort in most cases.

by making str matter AS much as those other stats... aka just skills don't defualt to dex for AC let you use what ever stat you want too
So then why not just have something called stat that's the highest number you rolled/point bought/whatever and can be used for everything... In other words why have different stats at this point?

So then why not just have something called stat that's the highest number you rolled/point bought/whatever and can be used for everything... In other words why have different stats at this point?
I am responding to this post but if people don't want to talk about it here please don't tag me

The difference is HOW you do it. Being smart and tactical is different then being strong and powerful and that is different then being agile and quick and that is still different from other attacks... and again give monsters abilities that trigger off them.

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