D&D 5E D&D Next the return of prestige classes?


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Curious to start a discussion on character advancement options available in the next edition.

Should we look at returning prestige classes? Although some might argue they were brought about by the inclusion of a lackluster and front-loaded class structure in 3E.

Or can we imagine something else, a theme based system? A kit system from the bygone era? Or perhaps some sort of built in advanced class mechanism replacing the 'tiers' of 4E.

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A 3e prestige class and a 4e paragon path are roughly analogous in flavor but quite different rules-wise. I think that prestige classes changing your HP, BAB, base saves and spell progression became problematic, especially if you took more than one prestige class (back in the day I houseruled that you had to take all levels of a prestige class before you could choose a second).

I like how paragon paths divorced the base number progression from the advanced theme idea without really weakening its flavor. This made the math much easier and made it harder to game the system. I'd hope to see an option filling a similar role in 5e. Sort of an advanced theme that represents your character's membership in an elite order or such. With themes being core I'd think they would go with this advanced theme model which opens up alternate feats/powers/spells rather than create a slew of new class progressions.


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I wouldn't mind if Prestige Classes. Paragon Paths, and Epic Destinies were all left in the dust bin, to be honest. I really didn't like many aspects of the first one of those, and I really never liked how you were forced to take the latter two... Paragon Paths and Epic Destinies also lacked enough of a mechanical effect, had poor flavor, and tended to give too many forgettable, fiddly numbers.

I'm hoping that better class design and race or theme options will step up to take their place.


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What if themes are the low level equivalent for paragon path/epic destinies?

I thought paragon paths et al were a cool concept, really.

So what if, every tier, you got to choose a new thingy?

Say, I'm a dwarven pubcrawler paladin at level one (let's call this adventurer tier), at level 5 (heroic tier) I gain the Dwarven Axeman... Let's call it a Hero's Calling. At level 10 (paragon tier), I become an Axe of Morradin. At level 15 (Master tier) I add Dwarven Clanfather. And at level 20, I get to become a Chosen of Morradin.

Greg K

I wouldn't mind if Prestige Classes. Paragon Paths, and Epic Destinies were all left in the dust bin, to be honest. I really didn't like many aspects of the first one of those, and I really never liked how you were forced to take the latter two... Paragon Paths and Epic Destinies also lacked enough of a mechanical effect, had poor flavor, and tended to give too many forgettable, fiddly numbers.

I'm hoping that better class design and race or theme options will step up to take their place.

Sorry about the XP being garbled. I went to backspace and I hit enter.

I didn't like Paragon Paths and Epic Destinies and I hated that the rules forcing you to have to take them.

I would have preferred the Action Points for rerolls being something anyone could do with Action Points.

Prestige Classes I liked better as they were optional. Many, however, should have been classes or class variants. They were often concepts anyone should have been able to start provided they were appropriate in concept for the setting.


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From What did Wizards learn from Essentials?
How does everyone feel about the subclass system that Essentials introduced? What I am talking about is the Ranger actually being a Hunter (Ranger) or a Scout (Ranger).

It is something I am hoping they will bring to 5e because it'll allow multiple classes to share one pool of resources. For example, you could have a Warlord (Fighter), Knight (Fighter), Berserker (Fighter), Kobold Warrior (Fighter) and so on.

So if you are a person who likes the idea of the fighter, but want a tweak to how its played, you can pick a subclass of the fighter that closest fits what you want him to be and work from there by adding a theme and feats.

It's a great way to implement Wizard Specializations or Warlock Pacts for example.

How would people if prestige and paragon are entirely replaced by subclasses? This is a pretty good solution if the classes in D&Dn can be presented concisely in a page or two in a rulebook. This would remove a lot of fiddly nature of tacking too many rules onto a character since everything would be presented on a single block of rules.

Voidrunner's Codex

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