D&D General D&D Players Insulted!!!!!


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In all seriousness though, while it's not really a factor now (largely because I'm older and not nearly as good looking as I was in my 20s lol), it was a problem back then to be a gamer. I'm really not trying to brag, and apologize if it's coming across as such. But it was super common for me back then to join a game and everyone there assume I wasn't serious about gaming based on first impressions of what I looked like. I didn't "look" like a geek or nerd. I was clean cut, athletic, etc. So no one took me seriously, and many times I was met with outright disdain for no reason, like I was infiltrating their group that I didn't belong to. And lord forbid a woman who was good looking tried joining. That happened only a couple times in my memory, but she was treated even worse. In hindsight, it really makes me cringe at the behavior that was done. Nerds weren't really known for social skills, and the poor woman was beset upon by creepy sexual innuendo after innuendo, OR people just stared at her without saying a word, which was equally uncomfortable.


In all seriousness though, while it's not really a factor now (largely because I'm older and not nearly as good looking as I was in my 20s lol), it was a problem back then to be a gamer. I'm really not trying to brag, and apologize if it's coming across as such. But it was super common for me back then to join a game and everyone there assume I wasn't serious about gaming based on first impressions of what I looked like. I didn't "look" like a geek or nerd. I was clean cut, athletic, etc. So no one took me seriously, and many times I was met with outright disdain for no reason, like I was infiltrating their group that I didn't belong to. And lord forbid a woman who was good looking tried joining. That happened only a couple times in my memory, but she was treated even worse. In hindsight, it really makes me cringe at the behavior that was done. Nerds weren't really known for social skills, and the poor woman was beset upon by creepy sexual innuendo after innuendo, OR people just stared at her without saying a word, which was equally uncomfortable.

You would think guys would want females to hang around with them and play D&D.

In the 90s my best friend brought 2 if her friends into our game so our group was 50/50. The players dated each other and I was dating another one of her friends.


Heretic of The Seventh Circle
I mean, setting aside the fact the guy is just playing a heel correctly by making nonsensical personal attacks against the face before a match, and it's all just melodrama because Wrestling...

LOL Man people who think this IRL have never seen a live streamed dnd game have they!?

I mean...between Xavier Woods and Laura Bailey, and tons of other smoking hot well known dnd players....idk man...

I mean...Satine Pheonix, MIca Burton, Travis Willingham, Joe Manginello, Deborah Ann Wohl...there's a lot of hot in dnd these days.


Trust the Fungus
A small professional wrestling promotion has finally noticed there's a big enough overlap between our fandoms that we're worth pissing off?


Guess my next campaign's going to be Luchador: Way of the Mask.

Voidrunner's Codex

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