D&D Renders


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Here are a few render pictures from our campaign chronicle. The campaign is set in the Forgotten Realms, but with a much stronger Sword&Sorcery touch to it, and less magic:

An assassination attempt on a PC

An assassination by a PC

A Robbery getting interrupted

A barbarian attacks a Thayan Knight


Entering a Dungeon

Fighting a Fire Elemental

Two PCs get a corpse thrown at them by an escaping Vampire

First trip into the Minarett of Screams in the City of Brass (from Necromancer Games), encountering two Silaaats.

Second trip, encountering two Silaaats and their boss, a Devil.

Two down, one to go...

Recruiting guards (aka henchmen)



Visions of the Past

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Some more renders:

Ambushing Yakfolk

A PC disguised as an assassin

Another assassination attempt on a PC

"No, really, he's a friend, quite charming..."

PCs disguised as drow attacking a Beholder

An ogre in the Underdark


A duel in a temple

Following the rogue

Flying Carpets are handy in the City of Brass

This why you don't charge into a gas trap

Genie out of a bottle

Can you do that?

PCs are easier to carry if shrunk



Meeting the leader of the Thieves Guild

A meeting in the Plane of Shadows

That's your cousin, just polymorphed?

Rescuing a victim of a kidnapping


Bodyguards can be useful when shopping too

Snakes in a dungeon




Yuan-Ti Jailer got too close to the bars


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Nice work. It's good to meet a fellow role-playing render addict :)

My blog is chock full of rendering goodness (link to Render category, though there's images all over the place), mainly rendered in DAZ Studio or Poser 6.

What do you use?

Hm, with some postwork, some of those could be really nice :)
though I do appreciate the amount of work/hassle involved in doing any of them!
jeesh, it's major PIA doing such work.

I render in Vue6 Infinite (lately), so you can get far better control of the lighting especially, than Poser or DAZ studio can.
Try Vue, Carrara or bryce, all of which cn import Poser folk but render much better, you may like the results :)

Soft shadows and volumetric light are very important in many D&D type scenes: candle or fire light, etc :)

[sblock="Mind FLayer Captain, by me"]
clothing and backgorund prop is from DAZ, illithid head by me



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Alas, postwork is not an option. I make illustrations for my two weekly campaigns with Daz Studio, and it would take too much time to do postwork on the renders.

What I like at Daz Studio is that the morph window shows me a much closer image to the rendered picture than poser does. It also can handle up to 8 figures with decent speed, so I usually manage a render picture in 1 to 1.5 hours from opening the program to saving the rendered picture.

I am not sure how much time Carrara takes.

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