I've come to the conclusion that I don't see any reason to have mechanics attached to species. Attach special abilities to heritages, separate species from that, and have species only govern your height and age. Human raised by dwarves? You get all their special abilities, including tremorsense, dark vision, and dwarven toughness. Elf raised by orcs? You get Adrenaline Rush.
Then go to town with whatever species background you want. Human/elf, dwarf/gnome, orc/halfling, or different ethnic backgrounds for whatever you choose.
As the father of a mixed-race daughter, and uncle to both a mixed-race nephew and a mixed-race niece, I fully support their creating characters that might speak to those diverse heritages. I just don't think that needs to be expressed through special race/species abilities that somehow have to be accounted for mixed-species characters.
Then go to town with whatever species background you want. Human/elf, dwarf/gnome, orc/halfling, or different ethnic backgrounds for whatever you choose.
As the father of a mixed-race daughter, and uncle to both a mixed-race nephew and a mixed-race niece, I fully support their creating characters that might speak to those diverse heritages. I just don't think that needs to be expressed through special race/species abilities that somehow have to be accounted for mixed-species characters.