D&D (2024) D&D species article

I don't think 2014 PC races are given language proficiencies to make them vulnerable to spells like command and suggestion. I believe language proficiencies are generally intended as an asset out of which the player should be free to opt rather than a liability to be enforced. I also think it's fine for the spellcaster to be punished for profiling the dwarf without any evidence they speak Dwarvish.
what you think doesn't matter, the rules are what matters and the rules state that all 2014 dwarves can speak and understand dwarvish, to not have the language proficiency simply from desiring not to is as equally impossible for your character as it would be to desire away a trait such as say, sunlight sensetivity,

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what you think doesn't matter, the rules are what matters and the rules state that all 2014 dwarves can speak and understand dwarvish, to not have the language proficiency simply from desiring not to is as equally impossible for your character as it would be to desire away a trait such as say, sunlight sensetivity,
Unless you change the rules for your table, which is really the only place it matters.

Yeah, since Tolkiens half elves have to choose to become a human or elf. Something like that
Half-elves in Tolkien have to choose to become human or elf. Elrond's brother chose humanity, and he founded the royal lineage of Numenor. Morever, the Numenoreans were blessed by the head of the Maiar with greater wisdom, power, and life-spans. So it's less that Numenoreans are half-elves and more that the way that Numenoreans and Dunedain are described is reminiscient of half-elves in D&D. They look mostly human but they also reflect the divine majesty of the elves with mortal lives longer than that of regular humans.

Level Up has a defined system for PCs of mixed ancestry whereby you take the heritage traits of one and the heritage gift of another, allowing for any combination.
Which is a good way to do that, I won't disagree. Probably a little more complicated (or should I say, Advanced) than I think WotC would like, but certainly a good method. However, none of them have a dedicated half-elf race anymore. That concept is dying. The question has become what is the best method to emulate mixing, be it trait mixing, feats or purely RP. And we can all disagree about which is best. But I can no longer fault WotC for removing them as dedicated race options since LU, TotV and PF2e already had.

It's not that the concept of half elves and half orcs are disappearing from the other games, it's the other games are opening things up to any kind of mixed species. Level Up, Pathfinder, Tales of the Valiant, DC20 all have ways to mix and match species traits. Ghostfire Gaming is updating Grim Hollow and they have a system for mixing traits as well. WotC's approach feels boring.
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If they were changing Race to Species, I don't get why they didn't change Half Elf to Feyling or Elfbrood or Faeman.

We have Goliath and Genasi.
If the goal was a fey infused humanoid, I think there are a lot of options for that. The issue I recall was that people distinctly wanted a half-elf/half-human mix rather than a fey/humanoid one.

It's not that the concept of half elves and half orcs are disappearing from the other games, it's the other games are opening things up to any kind of mixed species. Level Up, Pathfinder, Tales of the Valiant, DC20 all have ways to mix and match species traits. Ghostfire Gaming is updating Grim hollow and they have a system for mixing traits as well. WotC's approach feels boring.
Fantasy AGE also has rules for how to mix ancestries.

If the goal was a fey infused humanoid, I think there are a lot of options for that. The issue I recall was that people distinctly wanted a half-elf/half-human mix rather than a fey/humanoid one.
The goal isn't a fey humaniod but a being that is half fey humaniod and half "regular" humaniod.

Whether an human and elf or a dwarf and a fey hobgoblins.

D&D is allowed to say all those combos result in creating the same species.

That option in lost. That route was ignored.

It's not that the concept of half elves and half orcs are disappearing from the other games, it's the other games are opening things up to any kind of mixed species. Level Up, Pathfinder, Tales of the Valiant, DC20 all have ways to mix and match species traits. Ghostfire Gaming is updating Grim hollow and they have a system for mixing traits as well. WotC's approach feels boring.
Correct. WotC went with a very boring system, at least in the PHB. They may add a more robust system later or they may just not touch it and cede that ground to 3pp. But I think that's two different issues: you can be ok with removing half-races and be upset with WotC's choice of replacement, but I think if you're angry the races were removed in the first place, you have a lot of other games who beat WotC to the punch and that latter group is going to find itself a shrinking minority. (Much like people who are upset with the removal of the term race: you can disagree with what term should replace it, but arguing it should remain is going to be a dwindling opinion as time wears on).

Correct. WotC went with a very boring system, at least in the PHB. They may add a more robust system later or they may just not touch it and cede that ground to 3pp. But I think that's two different issues: you can be ok with removing half-races and be upset with WotC's choice of replacement, but I think if you're angry the races were removed in the first place, you have a lot of other games who beat WotC to the punch and that latter group is going to find itself a shrinking minority. (Much like people who are upset with the removal of the term race: you can disagree with what term should replace it, but arguing it should remain is going to be a dwindling opinion as time wears on).
I suppose I just don't see Level Up's method as removing anything; quite the opposite in fact, as many, many more possible combinations of different heritages, different gifts, and different traits can now be modeled. I certainly don't see it as a general gaming trend away from half-elves.

Instead, this is WotC's choice to present a boring, "safe" option that they hope will head off controversy that might lead to decreased sales. Nothing more.

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