D&D General D&D Survivor - Dungeon Masters: Matt Mercer Wins!


5e Freelancer
Anyway, @Bolares is right. We're getting off-topic.
Here's the Survivor thread as it currently stands!

Jasmine Bhullar, "Shikar" 4
Matt Colville, "The Chain of Acheron" 5
Celeste Conowitch, "Venture Maidens" 7
Matt Mercer, "Critical Role" 8

And I alphabetized the last names, finally. It was bugging me.
Hey, I'm fine with Mercer taking the lead (which is what appears to be happening right now). I just wanted Colville to be in the top 3 (which he is). Matt Colville and Matt Mercer are actually good friends, and I like both of them. I just knew that a) Mercer would be a go-to choice for a ton of people and b) Colville also deserved some recognition (IMO).

Also, if you (general you) have finished Season One of Critical Role (or are fine with spoilers), I recommend this video of Colville's. This is one of the reasons I love D&D as much as I do.

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Hey, I'm fine with Mercer taking the lead (which is what appears to be happening right now). I just wanted Colville to be in the top 3 (which he is). Matt Colville and Matt Mercer are actually good friends, and I like both of them. I just knew that a) Mercer would be a go-to choice for a ton of people and b) Colville also deserved some recognition (IMO).

Also, if you (general you) have finished Season One of Critical Role (or are fine with spoilers), I recommend this video of Colville's. This is one of the reasons I love D&D as much as I do.
This video is what made want to watch Critical Role


Celeste Conowitch, "Venture Maidens" 8 + 1 = 9
Matt Colville, "The Chain of Acheron" 3 - 2 = 1

Matt Mercer, "Critical Role" 10

There is something extremely fitting that we have someone who literally has Witch in her name as one of the final two.

And uh...


A... Mercer too...

Can we just declare Mercer the winner and end it? This is like when you know who is going to win the combat but still need to slog through three more rounds...😋

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