D&D General D&D Survivor: Lung ("Oriental") Dragons

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A suffusion of yellow
up to 158 feet (48 meters) in length. Their scales were various shades of green or blue, with a yellow underside. They had long, white horns that grew from their heads, and adults had multi-colored beards.
They worked for the Ministry of Thunder as the lords and guardians of lakes and rivers; every such body of water was the jurisdiction of a single chiang lung who had the duties of making or bringing rain and managing water flows.
Chiang Lung could polymorph and often appeared as a human warrior bearing a massive sword, many lesser spirits attended to the Chiang Lungs lair as aides and bodyguards.
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Mind of tempest

(he/him)advocate for 5e psionics
View attachment 333816up to 158 feet (48 meters) in length. Their scales were various shades of green or blue, with a yellow underside. They had long, white horns that grew from their heads, and adults had multi-colored beards.
They worked for the Ministry of Thunder as the lords and guardians of lakes and rivers; every such body of water was the jurisdiction of a single chiang lung who had the duties of making or bringing rain and managing water flows.
Chiang Lung could polymorph and often appeared as a human warrior bearing a massive sword, many lesser spirits attended to the Chiang Lungs lair as aides and bodyguards.
what is the next category then?

Voidrunner's Codex

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