D&D3.5 group in Rochester/Concord, NH seeking players


Our gaming group is looking for new blood. We currently have 5 members but often have to cancel because of attendance isssues due to work and family. With more people we could play more often. We meet Tuesday night from 6pm-10 or 11pm. We play D&D 3.5 in both Greyhawk and Eberron. We currently have 2 campaigns running so that one person doesn't always have to DM. If you want to DM, you are more than welcome to try your hand at it. We have a few house rules and are mostly action oriented. Roleplaying is always appreciated and we try to do more of it but often just forget. :) Beginners are welcome! The setting, type of adventure, and character level are all decided by the group as a whole and we are usually willing to try new stuff. Most of us are in our late 30's, but we do have one young'un who's only 26. We mostly meet in Rochester, NH but about once a month meet in Concord instead (to give those of us who live even further west a bit of a break). If you are still interested after reading this far, please send me an email at tbholt2 at adelphia dot net.

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First Post
Our gaming group is looking for new blood. We currently have 5 members but often have to cancel because of attendance isssues due to work and family. With more people we could play more often. We meet Tuesday night from 6pm-10 or 11pm. We play D&D 3.5 in both Greyhawk and Eberron. We currently have 2 campaigns running so that one person doesn't always have to DM. If you want to DM, you are more than welcome to try your hand at it. We have a few house rules and are mostly action oriented. Roleplaying is always appreciated and we try to do more of it but often just forget. :) Beginners are welcome! The setting, type of adventure, and character level are all decided by the group as a whole and we are usually willing to try new stuff. Most of us are in our late 30's, but we do have one young'un who's only 26. We mostly meet in Rochester, NH but about once a month meet in Concord instead (to give those of us who live even further west a bit of a break). If you are still interested after reading this far, please send me an email at tbholt2 at adelphia dot net.
Hi, I'm in Concord and have Tuesday nights off, you can reach me at jerrodmalburne62@gmail.com, I'm extremely interested.

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