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[d20 Apocalypse] Recruiting Closed

Frozen Messiah

First Post
It's not my call but I would think no, because of the nature of the blast most likely caused some of the mechanical/electrical mechanisms to stop functioning, even if airwalkrr says it's good I believe that having a car may have as many advantages as disadvantages.

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Ok, time for me to answer some questions. I've been kind of sick this week and haven't had time.

First of all, I like Xavier's background, but that was the only part of it I could read. The reason the text is messed up is because you copy/pasted it without using the
 tag. That tag formats each character with equal spacing like in Notepad.

This brings up an important point. I know some of you are new to this, but it is important to me to have readable character sheets. It isn't just important to me though. You will thank yourselves as well when looking up info in the future or making adjustments.

To have a pretty character sheet, start by copy/pasting the blank character sheet into Notepad, not Word or a similar word processor (unless you use a Courier font). This a key detail. Then press [Insert] on your keyboard and carefully enter information into the character sheet, making sure not to use the backspace key anywhere. Wherever there are Xs that need to be blanked over, use the [Space] key. Again, this is a key detail. Once you have entered all the character information into the Xs, copy/paste the information into a post, making sure the entire character sheet is included within a [code] tag. If you are not familiar with using forum tags, [URL="http://www.ibdguy.com/"]this site[/URL] has a good tutorial (you don't have to read very far to get the basics). Note EN World uses brackets, not the < and > symbols to enclose their tags. Make sure your post looks pretty by clicking "Preview Post" before you hit "Submit Reply." If something doesn't look right, go back and retrace your steps to make sure you didn't make any mistakes. It doesn't have to be perfect, just readable.

Willette - Xavier's equipment list looks fine. Xavier's truck isn't working though. The EMP from the blast knocked out the starter. Also, vehicles in the damage radius of a nuclear blast typically have a 0% chance of surviving in workable condition. Your description of Xavier being in a building is probably the reason he survived (assuming it was a sturdy building and he was on the first floor). You will probably be able to scrounge up most of the other equipment from the truck however. It might become a burden to lug around the tool kits unless you find a duffel bag or something though.

failedreality - As I mentioned to Willette, most vehicles won't survive the blast, and if they do, their electronics won't work because of the EMP. So you could have a Rolls-Royce for all I care. It would be worth so much garbage in the radius of a nuclear blast. :)

I will now start looking at character sheets (those I can read anyway :)). In the meantime, check out the OOC thread. In a few moments I will post a couple maps.


Name: Xavier Rames
Class: Smart Hero 1
Race: Human
Size: Medium
Gender: Male
Alignment: Lawful Good
Str: 11 +0    Level: 1       XP:0
Dex: 12 +1    BAB: +0        HP:7 (1d6+1)
Con: 12 +1    Grapple: +0    Dmg Red: 0/0
Int: 14 +2    Speed: 30'     Spell Res: 0
Wis: 12 +1    Init: +1       Spell Save: +0
Cha: 12 +1    ACP: 0         Spell Fail: 0%
                   Base  Armor Shld   Dex  Size   Nat  Misc  Total
Armor:              10    +1    +0    +1    +0    +0    +0    12
Touch: 11          Flatfooted: 11
          Base  Mod  Misc  Total
Fort:      0    +1          +1
Ref:       0    +1          +1
Will:      1    +1          +2
Weapon               Attack   Damage     Critical
Pocket Knife           +0       1d4      19-20/x2
Languages: English
Abilities: Savant (Craft mech.)
Feats: Personal Firearms Proficiency, Simple Weapon Proficiency, Gearhead, Animal Affinity
Skill Points: 44     Max Ranks: 4/2
Skills               Ranks Mod  Misc  Total
Computer use         2     +2     +2     6
Craft (Elec.)        4     +2     +0     6  
Craft (Mech.)        4     +2     +1     7
Disable Device       4     +2            6
Handle Animal        2     +1     +2     5
Knowledge (Tech)     4     +2            6
Navigate             4     +2            6
Profession           4     +1            5
Repair               4     +2     +2     8
Research             4     +2            6
Ride                 0     +1     +2     3
Search               4     +2            6
Survival             4     +1            5
Equipment:               Cost  Weight
Leather Jacket                   4
Backpack                         2
Rations (1 day)                  1                         
Casual Clothes                   2
Tool Belt                        2
Penlight                         0.5
Pocketknife                      1
Wallet                           -
Total Weight: 33.5 lb      Money: 
Medium-Size Dog: CR 1; Medium-size animal; HD 2d8+4; hp 13; Mas 15; Init +2;
Spd 40 ft.; Defense 13, touch 12, flat-footed 11 (+2 Dex, +1 natural); 
BAB +1; Grap +3; Atk +3 melee (1d6+3, bite); Full Atk +3 melee (1d6+3, bite);
FS 5 ft. by 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft.; SQ scent; AL none or owner; SV Fort +5, Ref +5, Will +1;
AP 0; Rep +0; Str 15, Dex 15, Con 15, Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 6.
Skills: Jump +4, Listen +5, Spot +5, Survival +1 (+5 when tracking by scent),
        Swim +5.
Feats: None.
Tricks: Hunting: An animal trained for hunting knows Attack, Down, Fetch, Heel, Seek, and Track.
Advancement: None.
Scent (Ex): This ability allows the creature to detect approaching enemies,
sniff out hidden foes, and track by sense of smell. Creatures with the 
scent ability can identify familiar odors just as humans do familiar sights.
The creature can detect opponents within 30 feet by sense of smell. If the
opponent is upwind, the range increases to 60 feet; if downwind, it drops 
to 15 feet. Strong scents can be detected at twice the ranges noted above. 
Overpowering scents can be detected at triple normal range. When a creature 
detects a scent, the exact location is not revealed—only its presence 
somewhere within range. The creature can take a move or attack action to note
the direction of the scent. If it moves within 5 feet of the source, the 
creature can pinpoint that source. A creature with the scent ability can 
follow tracks by smell, making a Wisdom check to find or follow a track. 
The typical DC for a fresh trail is 10 (no matter what kind of surface holds
the scent). This DC increases or decreases depending on the strength of the
quarry’s odor, the number of creatures being tracked, and the age of the 
trail. For each hour that the trail is cold, the DC increases by 2. The 
ability otherwise follows the rules for the Track feat. Creatures tracking
by scent ignore the effects of surface conditions and poor visibility.

                          Lgt   Med   Hvy  Lift  Push
Max Weight:                33    66   100   200   500
                          (38)  (76) (115)
Age: 12
Height: 5'8"
Weight: 140 lb
Eyes: Green
Hair: Brown
Skin: Caucasian (Tanned)
Occupation: Rural
Background: Xavier was in the bathroom of a nearby apartment building when he felt the tremor and was unsure what to think. A tremor in Chicago? Chicago didn't have earthquakes... That's when the noise started. From outside, muffled by the doors, he could hear frantic shouting. As he walked out the door it was madness. People ran everywhere with no heed for what was in their way. He watched women knocked flat by men twice their size and was himself slammed against a wall as someone he didn't see ran by. As he made his way carefully upstairs he began to take notice of what the people were saying. Something about an explosion, attack...He didn't fully understand but could tell by their faces that something was drastically wrong. When he walked out the front doors it was chaos in the streets, people ran everywhere carrying huge piles of stuff, looting and some were crying. The streets were a wreck with cars strewn about on their sides, buildings crumbling and smoking in the distance. He looked for his father and the truck but could only see the truck propped on its side against a building. Where was his father? As he got closer he could see him...on the ground with a puddle of blood surrounding him. All the crops they had in the back of the truck were scattered about the street and people were grabbing them as they ran by. He ran to his father and knelt beside him, crying, wondering what to do, what was happening... Then he felt a strong hand grab him by the shoulder and throw him sideways. When he looked up into the man's eyes it was enough to cause him to grab the pocket knife he kept in his jeans. Seeing this the man laughed and lunged at him but Xavier had the quickness of youth and his pocketknife sank jab the man's hand sending a spurt of blood onto his face. The man sank back for a moment holding his hand but the look in his eyes became, if possible, more murderous now. The before he knew what was happening the look disappeared and turned to one of confusion. Xavier hadn't heard the shot over the mayhem but when he turned he saw the police officer lowering his gun. "Son, I don't have the time to explain but if you have a home or family go there now! A bomb was dropped and the city isn't safe anymore, go now! Good bye." And with that he ran off into madness. Even the loss of his father was overridden by his terror now and he ran to the truck trying to start it. Come on....come on....

How does this look? If you want to see what I did, just click "Quote" on my post and look at the formatting. Note where I placed the


He Who Lurks Beyond The Veil
Hey airwalkrr! Nice to see you around again. You already have full compliment of players or still taking in applicants?


First of all, I think everyone needs to read the description of the knife because most of you seem to be confused about what a pocket-knife is. :) The d20 Modern "knife" includes hunting knives, butterfly or "balisong" knives, switchblades, and bayonets (when not attached to rifles). A Swiss army knife is a utility knife, not a weapon. Although it can be used as one in a pinch, it is not designed for such. It does not have a handle that is designed for being gripped in a melee, nor is the blade particularly long or pointed enough to make penetration or slashing as deadly. When used as a weapon, a pocket-knife deals 1d4 damage with a 20x2 critical hit modifier and has a -4 penalty to hit as an improvised weapon (although some abilities allow you to negate the penalty for improvised weapons).

[sblock=Frozen Messiah]You seem to be missing your 3rd level talent for Strong Hero. I saw Extreme Effort. Did you mean to take Improved Extreme Effort as well? Your defense bonus should be +5 I believe (+2 from Strong Hero, +2 from Infiltrator, and +1 from Helix Warrior). That makes your total Defense a 16. Rather than putting the defense bonus in the Misc column, put it in the Armor column instead (since you use either your Armor or defense bonus, whichever is higher). I also don't think you calculated your saving throws right. I calculated F +5 R +4 W +0 (Weak Will flaw). Your hp total should start out at the average (which is 44). Just to remind you characters with Criminal and Law Enforcement occupations are the only ones who may begin with a firearm. Since there are no bases in the blast area, Military characters are considered to be on leave or off-duty at the time and may not (legally) carry a firearm within the city limits of Chicago because of the handgun ban. As a character from the armed forces, Terrence should feel obligated to follow this law, and as a government super-weapon (Helix Warrior), he is probably overconfident about his ability to get himself out of a jam in a dangerous situation anyway. XP is base for whatever the character's starting level is, in your case 21,000. You also begin with the Simple Weapons Proficiency feat.

I'm not sure how you calculated your skill points, but I can't seem to come to the same number you did any way I try it. That actually brings up another point now that I think about it. The maximum level for an adult is 5th (see 1st post), meaning that your character would have to be middle-age. That means his ability scores before reaching 6th level were Str 17, Dex 13, Con 13, Int 13, Wis 9, Cha 7, which is not possible because all scores start with a base of 8 (it would also cost more than 25 points, unless you were assuming a -1 penalty to Cha was an even trade for 1 point). Upon reaching 6th level, his Intelligence would increase to 14, increasing his skill points by 1 per level for each level thereafter. So the most skill points I could see him having, as built, is 50. If you'd like to go back and re-engineer your character to take the age into account, feel free. I'm OK with the -1 to Cha to trade for 1 point solution too, but you'll have to lower your skill points to 50.[/sblock]

[sblock=failedreality]You can eliminate the alignment and deity entries. d20 Modern doesn't use them. Your BAB (base attack bonus) is +2. Your ACP (armor check penalty) is -0 (I didn't see a Kevlar vest or anything like that in your equipment). The XXp. entries after the ability scores are to indicate how many points you spent. This helps me make sure you spent your points right. Since it looks to me like you have the right number of points (25), I'm guessing you did. It still helps to have it there if the GM is using point buy as the ability score generation method. You do not currently have any damage reduction, spell resistance, spell save bonus, or spell failure chance (usually from armor), so just put a - or 0 in those entries (don't delete them; you might have something for them later). Your current XP is the base for your level: 3000. For your Defense, put your Defense bonus in the Armor column since you use the greater of your Armor or Defense bonus. Also include your Dex bonus. Zero out the other Xs in the Armor (which should be renamed Defense for this system). There is a slight problem in your feats. You have the right number, but at least one of them needs to come from the Fast Hero bonus feat list. Your skill points is 30. Max ranks is 6/3. I really can't read it the way you have it now to check it for accuracy though. Read my advice in the post above and see if you can fix it. Remember to zero out any other Xs. Everything else looks good. I like the background.[/sblock]

[sblock=Willette]You can eliminate the alignment and deity entries. d20 Modern doesn't use them. You get two bonus languages because of your Intelligence modifier. They can be any two languages you wish. I am guessing you chose Handle Animal and Survival as your two permanent class skills. If so, that needs to be indicated somewhere. Under Profession, you should indicate what that profession is as a sub-heading, such as Profession (farmer). Other than that everything is gravy. Good job.[/sblock]

Voda Vosa, looking forward to what you put together.

Still recruiting peeps for this one if anyone else is interested.


Hey airwalkrr! Nice to see you around again. You already have full compliment of players or still taking in applicants?

Hey Blackrat! Nice to be back. I went through a rough patch after a hospital stay and some therapy but things are better now and I'm glad to be posting again. :cool: Still taking on players if you're interested.


He Who Lurks Beyond The Veil
Most definitely. I'm always up for Atomic Sunrise settings :D. So what's the character setup so far. Voda was doing scientist (I remember the character of the first draft :p) but I haven't checked others yet...


He Who Lurks Beyond The Veil
I have a few ideas I'd be willing to try:

For some actual combat provess, a police officer or a grizzly detective.
For some really intriqueing combination, a catholic priest with a shady background (perhaps an old soldier & veteran of some war.).
For less useful at start but could become psychic, a college student with interest in paranormal...

This actually sounds like it could be a really interesting game. I haven't had much experience with pbp games, but I am a big fan of the 'wasteland' comics so that should count for something...

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