Recruitment for Tal'Dorei 5e PBP


I'm also not too familiar with the setting, although I do have a copy of the Explorer's Guide.
I don't know much about sidekicks, either. (Elves might be appropriate for Niklos, lol)
Sidekicks are somewhat simple, essentially you pick any statblock that is CR 1/2 or lower and give it a sidekick class: Expert, Spellcaster or Warrior. They progress like the party using their sidekick class. It is mostly there to compensate smaller parties.

Hi, I didn’t see this recruitment thread. I just joined another game recently so the amount of pbps I’m in are piling up. That said, posting speeds wax and wane so I should be able to keep up. Besides, it’s hard to turn down a personal invitation.

It looks like you could use a fighter so I’ll probably fill that niche. That said, I’ve never played a monk. Would our group be too squishy if I chose that?

I’m fairly busy today but I can probably have a character posted by tomorrow.

It should be fine, with you joining up, we would have 3 PC, so with one sidekick in the party should be good enough.

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Sidekicks are somewhat simple, essentially you pick any statblock that is CR 1/2 or lower and give it a sidekick class: Expert, Spellcaster or Warrior. They progress like the party using their sidekick class. It is mostly there to compensate smaller parties.

It should be fine, with you joining up, we would have 3 PC, so with one sidekick in the party should be good enough.
If sidekicks work as good front line fighters, I’d play a monk. I’m also not super familiar with the setting so I might play a recluse, someone very poor and uneducated or someone who go grew up in a monastery(or some combination of all those) so that my character learns about the world as I’m learning about it


If sidekicks work as good front line fighters, I’d play a monk. I’m also not super familiar with the setting so I might play a recluse, someone very poor and uneducated or someone who go grew up in a monastery(or some combination of all those) so that my character learns about the world as I’m learning about it
The Warrior option for sidekick would be good enough yes. Usually, monsters start with more hit dice and if it is just being a frontliner, there are decent options like the Hobgoblin or the Flying Sword for example.


I'll make a big nicely trained dog for a sidekick and we can get moving with the three PCs and a dog.

Here he is:

Medium Beast (dog) Warrior Sidekick Level 1

AC 13 (leather)
HP 11
HD 1d10+1 (1/LR)
Speed 40 ft.

STR 12 (+1) Athletics (+3)
DEX 15 (+2) DEX Save (+4) Stealth (+4)
CON 12 (+1)
INT 3 (-4)
WIS 12 (+1) Perception (+3) Survival (+3)
CHA 6 (-2)

Defender. Roddie can use his reaction to impose disadvantage on the attack roll of a creature within 5ft of him whose target isn’t him, provided he can see the attacker.
Keen Hearing & Smell. Roddie has advantage on WIS (Perception) checks that rely on hearing or smell.
Pack Tactics. Roddy has advantage on attack rolls against a creature if at least one of his allies is within 5 feet of the creature and the ally isn’t incapacitated.

MWA: (+4) for 2d4+2 piercing damage. If the target is a creature, they must make a dc11 STR save or fall prone.


(Basically this, but I imagine him more of a long-haired german shepherd).
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Limit Break Dancing (He/They)
I've never done a PBP game before, but I'd love to give it a shot. If you've got room for a sorceress (if spell points are allowed) or a warlock (if they're not, or if they don't matter, I'm not familiar with PBP rules), count me in.

Talisker (Tal) - WIP -

Tal (Talisker)
Race: Human (variant)
HP: 9/9
Pass Perc: 15
Pass Inv: 9
Pass Ins: 13
Feats: Mobility (human feat 1st)
AC: 16
Initiative: +3 Ki: 0/0
STR: 10+0 (+2)
DEX: 16 + 3 (+5)
CON: 12 + 1
INT: 8 -1
WIS: 16 +3
CHA:10 +0
Acrobatics +5
Athletics +2
Perception +5
Stealth +5
Survival +5
Unarmoured Defense
Martial Arts

Explorer's pack
Walking stick (staff)
Carpenter's tools

Background: Outlander
For the maps and geography we have an excellent memory. The general layout of terrain, settlements and also all other features which are around you can be available to recall them always.

This outlander background 5e has other feature in addition, you have a capability to find fresh water and food for your own and also up to five other peoples each of the day and provided that the land offers berries, water, small game and so forth.
Tal lived in the woods with his parents and his extended family. His mother died of some disease and his family taught him to fight and fend for himself. They were a rough crew - mostly men who would go out and work at night and come back in the mornings with food and gifts. When he was 14, he secretly followed the men out to see where they were bringing home all the nice gifts and food from. That's when he discovered his 'family' was a group of brigands named the RoughShod. That night they raided a caravan and Tal couldn't bring himself to watch as his father rob random merchants on the road. He ran away before anyone would spot him. The next morning there was a chaos in the camp. People were packing and fleeing. Knowing the raid had failed horribly, and assuming his father had been killed, Tal fled on his own.

Tal wandered for a while. He'd been in town for just over a year. Generally, an unwanted vagabond who was begging for food or trying to find honest work and had been in and out of jail. A carpenter in town took pity on him and started training him in woodworking. Now sixteen, Tal is hardworking and doesn't complain much but is still a bit of an outsider.
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I've never done a PBP game before, but I'd love to give it a shot. If you've got room for a sorceress (if spell points are allowed) or a warlock (if they're not, or if they don't matter, I'm not familiar with PBP rules), count me in.
I don't use Spell Points, but yes we do have room for one player, we were about to do a Sidekick, but a player is more than welcome instead.

Talisker (Tal) - WIP -

Tal (Talisker)
Race: Human (variant)
HP: 9/9
Pass Perc: 15
Pass Inv: 9
Pass Ins: 13
Feats: Mobility (human feat 1st)
AC: 16
Initiative: +3 Ki: 0/0
STR: 10+0 (+2)
DEX: 16 + 3 (+5)
CON: 12 + 1
INT: 8 -1
WIS: 16 +3
CHA:10 +0
Acrobatics +5
Perception +5
Stealth +5
Unarmoured Defense
Martial Arts

Explorer's pack
Walking stick (staff)
Carpenter's tools

Background TBD

WIP so will comment later.

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