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[d20 Apocalypse] Recruiting Closed


I want to run a modified version of the Atomic Sunrise scenario laid out in d20 Apocalypse. Basically, it is Day 0 of a nuclear holocaust event and your characters are some of the (un)lucky few who survived. Law and order has broken down and no one seems to know exactly what precipitated the catastrophic event.

The theme of the campaign will be influenced by the American television series Lost on ABC. Principal thematic elements I will be borrowing are revelations through flashbacks, bizarre unexplainable events, and the use of mysterious factions that play off each other. The goal of the campaign will be one of survival and discovery of the cause behind the event that shattered an entire world.

Your characters are just normal everyday people who have, by some plight of destiny, survived the greatest disaster ever recorded in human history. It is up to you climb out of the ashes and ensure humanity's survival.

Character creation will be d20 Modern-based, as your characters will have come from a pre-apocalyptic world. Because many challenges will be plot-based, there is no uniform starting character level. You may each choose to begin at any level from 1st to 10th, although you must follow the guidelines for age given on page 35 of d20 Modern for characters higher than 1st, assuming all the age modifiers listed. (Maximum level for an adult is 5th and maximum for middle age is 8th. Exceptions might be made in certain situations.) Calculate hit points after 1st as average.

Note that lower-level characters have at least one distinct advantages in the post-apocalyptic world besides youthful physical ability scores. Such characters will be able to adapt more quickly to their environment, as evidenced by their ability to level-up more quickly. Such an advantage should not be understated.

All the standard advanced classes are available. Once the campaign begins, the Wild Talent feat will become available, as will the telepath, battlemind, and lawbringer (d20 Apocalypse) advanced classes (in other words, these options are allowed, but not at character creation). Psychics do not appear until after the nuclear holocaust (mostly) and lawbringers do not arise until official governments collapse. Alternatively, you may begin with the Wild Talent feat as a bonus feat if you choose to begin play as a child (11 or younger); this somewhat helps to offset the penalties of beginning play as a child and there will be story benefits for child psychics. As a child you begin play at 1st level and take the ability score penalties listed on page 25 of d20 Modern until you reach age 12 (your birthday must be at least 364 days away).

The setting is 2020 CE Chicago. Rather than use the Wealth or TU system for determining starting equipment, you begin with the clothes you wear plus whatever you would normally carry on your person as normal for your occupation. Criminal and Law Enforcement are the only starting occupations that will allow you to begin with a firearm of any kind as there is an active personal firearms ban in place and you are assumed to be a law-abiding person unless you choose the criminal profession. Those with Military occupations are on leave as there are no major military bases in Chicago (at least not to my knowledge). If you have any questions about what would be allowed for on-hand equipment, ask me. In most cases however, this will be practically nothing; this is intentional.

The PL is 5, although humanity is on the cusp of PL 6, at least they were before the bombs. Some top-secret government technology might already be PL 6.

Point Buy is 25 points.

A few recommendations:
-It would be good to have a doctor and at least one person with a military or law enforcement occupation.
-I have intentionally been vague on the cause of the nuclear disaster. This is part of the challenge and mystery. Take that into account when creating your character. Leave some room to grow.
-Virtually all your equipment will have to be scavenged and traded for. A charismatic hero is therefore almost essential.
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First Post

Is d20 Modern that unpopular or is it just my campaign idea?

For me, it's my total and complete ignorance of the D20 modern system, and a leeriness of attempting to learn a complete new system(given the sheer number of other PbP's I'm in) and trying NOT to be a drag on the other players. I do wish you luck, and the post-apocalyptic thing immediately makes me think of "Fallout 3" which was a game I highly enjoyed, so the campaign concept does appeal.


First Post
I love your campaign idea airwalkrr, but right now I just can't take on another game, although I was always a fan of this system.


First Post
It might be that the concept of basically taking characters from one genre a thrusting them into another has people a bit leary. And in this day and age when every person on these boards has seen a hundred apocalypse flicks to find playing a normal type in an abnormal world.

I'm a big fan of high sci-fi, but like the more established post-apoc systems like shadowrun or gurps Tech lvl 12+.
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First Post
For me it's a lack of knowing the system really. I'm fairly new to rpg's and pbp and most don't want to give complete noob's a chance, however being so new I would be willing to learn d20...

I used to tabletop d&d a very long, long time ago.

I do like your concept, sounds pretty cool at least!


I actually prefer Rifts myself. I run a Rifts game over on the Palladium Megaverse forums but I wanted to try something with a different feel. d20 is the only other system I feel competent enough to run. GURPS would be fine if I owned more than one book, but I just haven't played it much and never ran it. Shadowrun has certain setting expectations like Rifts that don't fit my vision for this campaign.


For me it's a lack of knowing the system really. I'm fairly new to rpg's and pbp and most don't want to give complete noob's a chance, however being so new I would be willing to learn d20...

I used to tabletop d&d a very long, long time ago.

I do like your concept, sounds pretty cool at least!

If you are interested I'd be quite willing and happy to give you a chance! d20 is easy to learn anyway.


First Post
What books do I need to check out for this to start learning, or what are you going to allow or use in your setting?

I would love to learn a new system.

Voda Vosa

First Post
Well, it's quite an interesting idea. Is Apocalypse something different from clasic d20 modern? I only have the core book and a few pages from pulp heroes.

Voidrunner's Codex

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