[d20 Apocalypse] Recruiting Closed


Voda Vosa, I'd rather not allow Pulp Heroes. This isn't a pulp type of game. The characters are supposed to be normal, everyday types of people who are thrust into a hellish post-apocalyptic world. They are heroic characters to be sure, a cut above the rest of the populace, but the pulp characters really don't fit the genre I am trying to create. You have access to the d20 Modern base classes and advanced classes, plus, after the game begins, you will be able to take levels in the telepath, battlemind, and lawbringer advanced classes. Any other classes I would need to approve on a case-by-case basis, and the pulp heroes classes don't fit. My apologies.

Frozen Messiah, up to two flaws, as long as I get to approve of them first.

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Voda Vosa

First Post
Oky. I'll come up with something later. I think we have plenty of time, since there seem not to be many people rushing for the slots, Am I right?

Frozen Messiah

First Post
alright then.

I plan on going for infiltrator with a soldier occupation, but that lawbringer advanced class sounds interesting as a later advancement.

Could you post the rules TU or at least give a simple explanation?


The basics of the TU rules are simple. One TU equals one day's worth of food for one person. TU is a meta-term of course; no one uses the term in character. But everyone thinks of things in terms of how much food it is worth in a post-apocalyptic world since survival is their #1 concern and food is the first necessity everyone needs.

Every object in the game has a TU value, which can fluctuate depending on how rare or common that item is. Ammunition is typically worth 1-4 TUs per round. A handgun is worth 7-12 TUs. A gallon of gas or two gallons of ethanol are worth 1 TU. Vehicles can be worth anywhere from 35 TUs for a small motorcycle to 455 TUs for a Blackhawk helicopter.

When trading TUs to NPCs, the trade ratio is dependent upon their attitude. An indifferent NPC will trade on a 2:1 rate, a friendly NPC a 3:2 rate, and a helpful NPC a 1:1 rate. The situation might alter conditions of course, depending on whether the NPC really needs an item or not. Unfriendly and Hostile NPCs generally won't trade with a hero unless they really need an item that hero has, and even then, the conditions aren't likely to be favorable.

That's it in a nutshell. I'll provide a table of common TU values before we begin.


I'm in to try a new system! I'll post a char later hopefully if thats cool.

Glad to have you along!

One other note for everyone. The Road Warrior and Scavenger advanced classes from d20 Apocalypse will also be available after play begins. I forgot to mention them.


First Post
Name: Xavier Rames
Smart Hero 1 
Occupation: Rural
Age: 12
Eyes: Hazel
Hair: Brown
Race: Caucasian
Height: 5'8"
Weight 150 lbs

Str: 11 +0      Level: 1        XP: 0
Dex: 12 +1     BAB: +0        Hit points: 7 (1d6+1)
Con: 12 +1     Grapple: +0   Wealth bonus: 10 (2d4+2) 
Int: 14 +2       Init: +1       AP: 0              
Wis: 12 +1          
Cha: 12 +1         

Defense:  12 = 10 base + 0 class + 1 equip + 1 dex 
Ranged: +1
Melee: +0
                           Base   Mod  Misc  Total
Fort:                      0      +1              +1
Ref:                       0      +1              +1
Will:                       1      +1              +2

Languages: English

Feats: Personal Firearms Proficiency, Simple Weapon Proficiency, Gearhead, Animal Affinity
Smart Hero Talents: Savant (Craft mech.)

Skill Points: 44    Max Ranks: 4/2
Skills                   Ranks  Mod   Misc  Total
Computer use           2    +2     +2      6
Craft (Elec.)             4    +2     +0      6  
Craft (Mech.)           4    +2     +1      7
Disable Device          4    +2               6
Handle Animal           2    +1     +2      5
Knowledge (Tech)     4    +2               6
Navigate                  4    +2              6
Profession                4    +1              5
Repair                     4     +2     +2     8
Research                  4    +2             6
Ride                         0   +1     +2     3
Search                     4    +2             6
Survival                    4    +1            5

Equipment:                              Weight
Leather Jacket                             4
Casual Clothes                             2
Tool Belt                                     2
Penlight                                      .5
Pocketknife                                 1
Wallet                                        -
Mechanical Toolkit - Basic             22

All good? Not sure on wealth stuff/system basics so if i missed anything let me know.

Included toolkit as his background is basically assistant mechanic/farmhand on his fathers farm. Leather coat would be suited to the work he does or leather apron or something, some kind of protective covering. Was gonna include a dog but figured that'd tip it over the edge, so i guess i'll work it in later.


All good? Not sure on wealth stuff/system basics so if i missed anything let me know.

Most of it looks great to me. You don't need to calculate a Wealth bonus. After the apocalypse, money becomes worthless practically overnight and people only accept things in trade. The TU system replaces the Wealth system.

The equipment is fine. You can add one dog.

I have some background advice. Since the campaign begins within the city limits of 2020 Chicago, you are not permitted to carry a firearm, however since you have a firearm proficiency, you and your family are likely to keep firearms back at the farm. As the campaign begins, you are probably in the city to sell your latest crops when the bomb explodes. Making a trip to your farm might be one of your initial goals, if for nothing else than to get to your guns before someone else loots them.

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