[D20 CoC] Beyond the Mountains of Madness Campaign - Prologue

The Shaman

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The interrogation continues...

Paco...[sblock]Paco reaches for the slip of paper tentatively, dreading what he will find scribbled in the dead man’s hand. The words stab at his soul.

Taking a deep breath, Paco hands the page back to Hansen. “I do not know what it means, señors,” the mountaineer replies quietly. “A dark cone in a frozen waste could be a volcano perhaps, or simply a mountain. Had the man - ” he hesitates to say the name of the deceased “ - had Señor Longfellow been on another expedition with Señor Starkweather?”

Paco takes a sip of water from the sweating glass on the table. “It has been a difficult evening, and I have preparations to make for our journey, maps to study, supplies to order.” He picks up his passport and letter and stuffs them in a pocket. When he is finally excused, he heads for the door, then looks at Detective Hansen. “If I find anything - ” he chooses his words carefully “odd, I may call you?”

Once back in his room, Paco slips in as quietly as possible to avoid disturbing Vittorio and crawls into bed.[/sblock]

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The Shaman

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The next day...

The morning sun is a relief to Paco as he hastily dons his clothing and catches a cab outside the hotel. “American Museum of Natural History, por favor, señor he says. His wonder at the immensity of the city is dulled this new day as the taxi turns up Central Park West on its way to 77th Street. Even the greenery of the verdant park doesn’t tempt the Chilean’s eye.

The imposing pale gray edifice of the museum comes into view and the cab deposits the mountaineer before the steps of the learned institution. Walking through the high archway, Paco searches for an information desk. Introducing himself, he asks if he may speak with a geographer or geologist.


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Taokan said:
"Pardonnez-moi, monsieur, but I am looking for Monsieur Starkweather; I need to speak with him. Is he still around this area, or must I go to his room?"

This would only work if Starkweather was still in the general area, or if the clerk finally gave out Starkweather's room number. Camille snorted derisively. What were they expecting, an assassination attempt? In any case, if this truly didn't work, she could always scour the hotel for him, though knocking on every door didn't sound appealing.
A young desk clerk, bedecked in burgundy, smiled and responded, "Mr. Starkweather? I'm afraid that I don't know, Ma'am. Would you like me to ring his room for you?" The clerk, and his smile, patiently waited for your answer.


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Paco recieves an answer.[sblock]
The Shaman said:
Taking a deep breath, Paco hands the page back to Hansen. “I do not know what it means, señors,” the mountaineer replies quietly. “A dark cone in a frozen waste could be a volcano perhaps, or simply a mountain. Had the man - ” he hesitates to say the name of the deceased “ - had Señor Longfellow been on another expedition with Señor Starkweather?”
Supervisor Mills clears his throat, then answers "According to Starkweather, Mr. Longfellow accompanied him on one other expedition. In 1928, Longfellow served as mechanic on the Italia expedition to the Arctic Circle."

The Shaman said:
When [Paco] is finally excused, he heads for the door, then looks at Detective Hansen. “If I find anything - ” he chooses his words carefully “odd, I may call you?”
"Yes, Mr. Guerini, I would appreciate hearing back from you," Detective Hansen said. He reached into his jacket pocket and withdrew a handful of items, fumbling and dropping some of them to the floor. He squatted and retrieved his pen and a pack of matches, then stood and smiled, handing you a printed card...

New York Police Department

"On the back is my phone number if you need to reach me, Mr. Guerini," he said as he reached out to shake your hand. "Thank you."[/sblock]


Vittorio spends the majority of his time in his room, scrutinizing the blueprints of whatever gear the expedition intends to bring he can get his hands on. He contacts shops in the area to see if additional spare parts can be found for any of the tool kits and equipment the team will take.


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"Mr. Starkweather? I'm afraid that I don't know, Ma'am. Would you like me to ring his room for you?"

Well, that was easier than I expected. At least one thing was going according to plan tonight. "Oui, vous remercier monsi- Er, thank you, sir. That would be fine. Please tell him that I wish to give him his letter now."

Sitting herself down on one of the nearby lounge chairs, Camille readied herself for a long wait; Starkweather might not be finished with own interrogation, afterall.


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The Newspapers Report the News!


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The Shaman said:
The morning sun is a relief to Paco as he hastily dons his clothing and catches a cab outside the hotel.
Paco emerges from the front entrance of the Amherst Hotel, raising his face to enjoy the sun...
...and is immediately surrounded by reporters and cameramen, all shouting and vying for his attention. "Mr. Guerini, can we get a few words?" "Mr. Guerini, Mr. Guerini! What happened last night?" "Mr. Guerini, where were you when the gunman rushed the stage?"

When Paco opens his mouth, intending to ask them to allow him to pass, he sees a forest of pencils positioned over notepads, ready to write. With every change of expression or turn of his head, a cluster of camera shutters snap. When Paco moves three paces, the mob moves with him.

Job (the tortured one).
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Taokan said:
The lobby clerk responds "Mr. Starkweather? I'm afraid that I don't know, Ma'am. Would you like me to ring his room for you?"

Well, that was easier than I expected. At least one thing was going according to plan tonight. "Oui, vous remercier monsi- Er, thank you, sir. That would be fine. Please tell him that I wish to give him his letter now."
The desk clerk picks up the telephone receiver, identifies himself to the hotel switchboard operator, and waits. After about ten seconds, he speaks into the telephone while looking at Camillle, "Yes, Mr. Starkweather? This is Daniel at the lobby desk. I am sorry to interrupt you, but I have a young woman in the lobby who would like to speak with you." He listens for a moment, then says, "Yes. Certainly, Mr. Starkweather."

The desk clerk then asks Camille, "Madame? Could I please have your name?"

Job (the tortured one).


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Of course the clerk would ask her name. Deciding that the night was finally going well was synonymous with flashing a rude gesture at the universe and questioning its relationship with it's mother; it was expected that fate would immediately retaliate for it.

Briefly weighing the pros and cons of saying that her name was either Mrs. Lockhart or her true name, Camille figured that it couldn't be tany more disastrous either way, so why not? "Je suis Camille Claud Bardier, monsieur." Grinning cheekily, Camille repeated, "Inform him that I wish to give him my letter now."

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