[D20 CoC] Beyond the Mountains of Madness Campaign - Prologue

The Shaman

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Paco’s eyes widen at the mob of reporters and photographers outside the hotel. He glances about for a taxi, then hustles his way through the throng, ignoring the insistent questions.

Once safely inside the cab, he takes a deep breath before giving the driver his destination. How did they know who I was? he wonders.

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Taokan said:
Briefly weighing the pros and cons of saying that her name was either Mrs. Lockhart or her true name, Camille figured that it couldn't be tany more disastrous either way, so why not? "Je suis Camille Claud Bardier, monsieur." Grinning cheekily, Camille repeated, "Inform him that I wish to give him my letter now."
Daniel, the lobby desk clerk, speaks into the telephone for a moment, then turns and offers the telephone to Camille, saying, "Mr. Starkweather would like to speak with you, mademoiselle."

Job (the tortured one).


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The Shaman said:
The morning sun is a relief to Paco as he hastily dons his clothing and catches a cab outside the hotel. “American Museum of Natural History, por favor, señor he says.
The imposing pale gray edifice of the museum comes into view and the cab deposits the mountaineer before the steps of the learned institution.
While Paco exits his cab, he notices another cab arriving just behind his. As he walks towards the museum, the door of that cab opens and out steps a reporter and photographer that he recognizes from earlier that morning at the hotel.

The Shaman said:
Walking through the high archway, Paco searches for an information desk. Introducing himself, he asks if he may speak with a geographer or geologist.
After the clerk learns of Paco's involvement with the Starkweather-Moore Expedition, she uses her telephone and, a minute later, informs Paco that "Dr. Wingate will be down momentarily to see you."

A few minutes later, an elderly bespectacled gentleman in a grey, tweed suit arrives at the desk and introduces himself as Dr. Charles Wingate, the director of the geology department at the museum. He leads Paco towards his office, away from the interruptions of the reporter in the museum lobby, and says "This is an extraordinary pleasure, Mr. Guerini! How may I help?"

Job (the tortured one).


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    1930's Central Park Map.jpg
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"Mr. Starkweather would like to speak with you, mademoiselle."

Taking the phone with a murmered "Merci," Camille smirked as she placed the earpiece at her ear. "Bonsoir, Monsieur Starkweather. I did not wish to disturb you before the morning, but.. I trust you remember me? Or perhaps you remember me from the party?"


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Bobitron said:
Vittorio spends the majority of his time in his room, scrutinizing the blueprints of whatever gear the expedition intends to bring he can get his hands on. He contacts shops in the area to see if additional spare parts can be found for any of the tool kits and equipment the team will take.
After studying all documentation that was sent with his acceptance package, it becomes clear to Vittorio that he needs more. He needs equipment manifests, inventories, and brand and model numbers. He needs to examine the unique equipment that was developed specifically for the expedition. He must visit the docks and get a look at the ship itself.

Job (the tortured one).


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Taokan said:
"Mr. Starkweather would like to speak with you, mademoiselle."

Taking the phone with a murmered "Merci," Camille smirked as she placed the earpiece at her ear. "Bonsoir, Monsieur Starkweather. I did not wish to disturb you before the morning, but.. I trust you remember me? Or perhaps you remember me from the party?"
"Hello Miss Bardier. Yes, I recall our brief meeting the other night very well. Very well indeed. The lobby clerk said that you'd like to speak with me?"

Job (the tortured one).


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"Very good. I was hoping that you would recall me." Clutching the straps of her bag in one white-knuckled hand, Camille casually remarked, "If you recall our first meeting face-to-face, I might call to mind the first time I spoke with you via post? If you do not, perhaps this will refresh your memory, Monsieur..."

Swiftly rummaging through the well-worn leather bag, Starkweather's rejection letter was removed from the depths of cracked cow-hide. "Ah, here we are. I believe you referred to me as 'a woman to be reckoned with'? Surely you recognize your own rejection letter?"

"Well, I had come to conclusion after perusing that truly inspirational piece of literature that perhaps you did not properly grasp my skills (understandable, I'm sure). And drawing from that conclusion, I decided to present myself to you, so that you might be able to come to well-informed decision based upon personal facts and evidence."

Pausing thoughtfully, Camille reluctantly added, "...Perhaps I should tell you the rest this in private, Monsieur. I wouldn't wish this fine desk clerk to be hanging unto my every word when I could tell you alone. I could also take that opportuninty to show you my own response to your truly motivating letter, Monsieur."


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Taokan said:
"...I decided to present myself to you, so that you might be able to come to well-informed decision based upon personal facts and evidence."

Pausing thoughtfully, Camille reluctantly added, "...Perhaps I should tell you the rest this in private, Monsieur. I wouldn't wish this fine desk clerk to be hanging unto my every word when I could tell you alone. I could also take that opportuninty to show you my own response to your truly motivating letter, Monsieur."
As tinny as the sound emitted from the telephone was, a soft chuckle could clearly be discerned. "Oh Miss Bardier, I must admit that you have not disappointed me! Tonight however, I must ask your pardon, Miss Bardier. It has been a very trying evening and I'm afraid that I would not be pleasant company. I also have an early morning appointment with two very determined police detectives.

"If you would indulge me, I ask that you join me for dinner tomorrow evening. Say, at 6pm? I'll have some food brought up to my room and at that time, I'd be more than happy to discuss your finer talents. Will you join me? Room 1450."

Job (the tortured one).


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"If you would indulge me, I ask that you join me for dinner tomorrow evening. Say, at 6pm? I'll have some food brought up to my room and at that time, I'd be more than happy to discuss your finer talents. Will you join me? Room 1450."

"Of course I will come. I shall wait with bated breath, I assure you. Bonsoir, Monsieur." Handing the phone back to the clerk with a beaming grin, Camille headed upstairs to relax in a warm bath with a fine magazine article discussing the finer points of airplanes and derigibles.


First Post
****Six PM the next evening at room 1450****

Well, this was different. Camille had hoped to get her meeting with Starkweather over as soon as possible so there was more time to purchase supplies, but obviously the man was dead set on delaying her. Hopefully this would be a fairly short meeting. But that was most likely a vain hope. With her luck, the ceiling would fall in on Starkweather's head, causing the police to arrest her on assault charges.

Tap tap. "Monsieur Starkweather? Monsieur?" Knocking slightly harder, the pilot rasised her voice, "Am I on time, Monsieur?"

Voidrunner's Codex

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