[D20 CoC] Beyond the Mountains of Madness Campaign - Recruiting Alternate Players


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OK, based on input from the two of you, I'll take a look at Play@YSDC site and I'll also consider using the BRP ruleset as I'm reorganizing. A number of years ago, Paul of Cthulhu allowed me to place a "call for players" on YSDC asking people on YSDC to consider playing in my EnWord BtMoM game, but I can understand why it'd be better to run a CoC game on a CoC site. :)

You'll see my work as I get things structured and I'll post notes to the two of you as I move along. I appreciate your suggestions!


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First Post
As I am organizing the information for our re-start of the BtMoM campaign, I'm re-reading and creating an index for each chapter. The explosion and everyone's reaction to the fire on the pier are priceless! And wierdly funny in some instances...

Link to explosion thread


Drowned Hero

First Post
As I am organizing the information for our re-start of the BtMoM campaign, I'm re-reading and creating an index for each chapter. The explosion and everyone's reaction to the fire on the pier are priceless! And wierdly funny in some instances...

Link to explosion thread


If you have the time, please make a small summary for the last chapters played making the catch up a bit easier. (Im working lots at the moment) any help is appreciated :)


First Post
Hello DH,

Here is a link to the campaign summary. If you'd like to see something more detailed, let me know.

In addition, be sure check the posts that are linked in "My PbP Games" in my signature that contain a table of contents for each chapter. I've completed the listings for chapters 1 and 4, and will work on chapters 2 and 5 and 5a within the next couple of days.

With all of the indexes, cross-links, and tables of contents that I'm putting together, hopefully this will make it much easier for folks to follow the storyline and figure out what's going on. I have more work to do, but I'm nearing completion, I think.

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Voidrunner's Codex

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