[D20 CoC] Beyond the Mountains of Madness Campaign - Recruiting Alternate Players

Oh ... another CoC fan. I think that Job is retired from this game. but DH runs another CoC game over here that you might join.
Both of us decided that those boards are good for D&D gaming. If you want to try CoC try the Play@Yog Sothoth forums.

DH - waiting for you to post there BTW.

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Drowned Hero

First Post
Von talk with Raiko and his BtMoM campaign over there.
The pm on the site didnt work for me today, thats why im here posting this.

And Job if you reading, luv ya!

Drowned Hero

First Post
Strange, but i keep opening this bookmarked URL one or twice every 6 months, read a chapter here, another over there, look at the characters, etc.

I miss this game, even its gone 4 years since last Job was around.


You can always open this game again, this time you'll DM it on Yog-Sothoth.com with the fantastic rules of Chaosium and not D20.
Playing a prepared campaign is good for DMs that do not have time - your Buenos Aires and my secrets of Middle East lacked that time. I play two scenarios on Yog boards as a character and I began DMing the mini-campaign shadows of Yog Sothoth table top back home with friends.

Drowned Hero

First Post
You can always open this game again, this time you'll DM it on Yog-Sothoth.com with the fantastic rules of Chaosium and not D20.
Playing a prepared campaign is good for DMs that do not have time - your Buenos Aires and my secrets of Middle East lacked that time. I play two scenarios on Yog boards as a character and I began DMing the mini-campaign shadows of Yog Sothoth table top back home with friends.

Hey Von :)
You wrong though, this is Job's game :)


First Post
"That is not dead which can eternal lie..."

It's good to see that you both are active, DH and Strahd!

DH, I also occasionally return to this story, these threads, reading and smiling, which is how I've stumbled upon your somewhat-recent postings. I loved what we created and still marvel at it. I am VERY thankful that Morrus has left this tale here, letting me relive the beginning of the adventure again.

I'm pondering a future wherein this adventure is fully realized.



Drowned Hero

First Post
"That is not dead which can eternal lie..."

It's good to see that you both are active, DH and Strahd!

DH, I also occasionally return to this story, these threads, reading and smiling, which is how I've stumbled upon your somewhat-recent postings. I loved what we created and still marvel at it. I am VERY thankful that Morrus has left this tale here, letting me relive the beginning of the adventure again.

I'm pondering a future wherein this adventure is fully realized.


Holy shi.t! Nice to see you! :)
Active and active. I drop by now and then looking for CoC games now and then ;) i know Von is somewhat back to his internet gaming as well.

Hope you vision of the future realizes, i would happily be part of it. You say GO and ill start reading up and poking Von hard in the ribs :D

MADNESS awaits!


First Post

I've decided that the best way for me to get things going again is to re-read all of the the threads and to organize and simplify the campaign's information into something like a table of contents. If you click on the "My PBP Games" link in my signature, you'll notice a few changes in how I've begun getting things organized. I also hope that this will help any prospective new players to more easily figure out what's going on, and who's involved.

More to come, soon.


Hi Job
Over the past 3 years I understood that the majority of the players in ENworld prefer to play Pathfinder, D&D 3.5 and 4 editions. Not much a community for Ars Magica and Call of Cthulhu – two types of systems that I play in addition to 3.5.

Play@YSDC can be a warm place for your BtMoM game. I doubt if you'll be successful with finding players over here for the game.

As for joining back in – sure, but If I were you I would consider changing the system to Chaosium. I find the D20 cumbersome and clumsy for the CoC world.

Drowned Hero

First Post
Play@YSDC can be a warm place for your BtMoM game. I doubt if you'll be successful with finding players over here for the game.

As Von says. EnWorld is not the place for CoC and re-re-recruiting will be much easier @YSDC. For what Chaosium goes its a good system, but i would recommend you to use the system your most comfortable with.

It would take some work to move stuff over, but you got the game very well organized for what i can see in your signature.

Hi Von! nice to see you back from your slumber :)

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