[D20 CoC] Beyond the Mountains of Madness Campaign - Recruiting Alternate Players

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For my players, I'm checking in to let you folks know that I have not disappeared from the earth at the hands of cultists, but have had a few personal events that have forced me to reprioritize my life for a little while.

I've gotten a new job which requires that I perform a LOT of research to bring myself up to speed, and this has demanded a lot of my time. I also have a pretty demanding boss...

My wife has been ill (again) and required many medical visits, two to the emergency room. Needless to say, this also had pulled me away from my creative writing.

So, what does this mean for our BtMoM campaign? I hope to successfully emerge from my trials sometime in the next month and begin writing again. By then, I expect to have established myself at work and I also hope that the doctors will have eased my wife's medical problems. I'll post every week or two to let you folks know how things are going.

I apologize for these delays, but sometimes life intrudes on our passions...

For my players, I'm checking in to let you folks know that I have not disappeared from the earth at the hands of cultists, but have had a few personal events that have forced me to reprioritize my life for a little while.

I've gotten a new job which requires that I perform a LOT of research to bring myself up to speed, and this has demanded a lot of my time. I also have a pretty demanding boss...

My wife has been ill (again) and required many medical visits, two to the emergency room. Needless to say, this also had pulled me away from my creative writing.

So, what does this mean for our BtMoM campaign? I hope to successfully emerge from my trials sometime in the next month and begin writing again. By then, I expect to have established myself at work and I also hope that the doctors will have eased my wife's medical problems. I'll post every week or two to let you folks know how things are going.

I apologize for these delays, but sometimes life intrudes on our passions...

Hey Job. At this point i think you know me and needless to say taht RL is more important then a pbp game, even a CoC one.

Hope you get on top of your new job and your wife gets better.

Im gonna stay to a old one gets me.

Thanks everyone. My wife is back home, although she's continuing to have troubles, but having her home eases that stress a little. My new job continues at a demanding pace and I am hopeful that I'll work through most of the learning curve within the next two weeks.

Part of my problem is a lack of time and part of my problem is that I'm pretty tired at that end of each day--stress is causing some of this, I believe. During the past month I've made it a point to take better care of myself (i.e. eating healther, going for walks and exercising, taking time to visit with my kids and grandkids, and relaxing for 15 or 20 minutes with a book at the end of each day, just before going to sleep). A couple of BtMoM reference books are sitting on my nightstand...

I'll be back soon.

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