[D20 CoC] Beyond the Mountains of Madness Campaign - Recruiting Alternate Players


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We are nearing departure from New York City for our campaign and this is a good time to level up everyone's characters. I considered allowing our two long-time characters (i.e. Martin and Camille) to level up, then leveling up our three newer characters (George, Oyvind, and Father Rucker) once our team reaches Antarctica, but I think that it'd be less confusing to simply have everyone level up at the same time and always have the characters at the same level.

So, to advance from 4th level to 5th level in D20 Call of Cthulhu, here's the increases:

Defense Option Characters:
- No change in saving throws or Base Attack Bonus
- No additional feats
- No increase in abilities (e.g. Strength, Dexterity, etc.)
- Add hit points = 1d6 plus Constitution bonus. This game is expected to be challenging, so if you roll low with a 1, 2, or 3, instead add 4 HP to your character plus your constitution bonus.
- Add skill points = 8 plus your Intelligence bonus. Remember that to increase a character's core skills requires 1 point to increase that skill, but increasing a non-core skill requires 2 points to increase it.

Offense Option Characters:
- No change in saving throws
- Add +1 to your Base Attack Bonus
- No additional feats
- No increase in abilities (e.g. Strength, Dexterity, etc.)
- Add hit points = 1d6 plus Constitution bonus. This game is expected to be challenging, so if you roll low with a 1, 2, or 3, instead add 4 HP to your character plus your constitution bonus.
- Add skill points = 8 plus your Intelligence bonus. Remember that to increase a character's core skills requires 1 point to increase that skill, but increasing a non-core skill requires 2 points to increase it.

When you edit your posted character sheets, please leave the original scores showing (i.e. don't delete them) and add a line showing the new scores and the date that you increased them.

Have fun!


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I updated Father Rucker's sheet, but when he came to visit the Captain he haven't imagined that he will be on the same day on his way to Antarctica, he brought several personal equipment in his case, but most of his stuff are still in the hotel.
HP level 5 (1d6+2=5)


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Hello players,

I was out of the country for a week, but now have returned home and will start cooking up a few posts today.



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We only have a few loose ends to wrap up, a few repairs to make to the ship, and a few supplies to restock, then we'll be bringing chapter 4 to a close. While we're working through this, I'll simultaneously start the next chapter within the week (real time), wherein our expedition departs New York City.

I'll keep chapter 4 open for a bit of time while we start the next chapter, so you'll be able conclude any open investigations or unfinished actions. Your characters will only have a couple of days (game time) to complete any "final" preparations.

Job (anxiously awaiting our departure).
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I was hoping to make some progress yesterday, Sunday 11-May, with some campaign writings, but for some reason I couldn't get into EnWorld all day. Sunday is one of my best days for creative writing projects. I'll do my best to post a few entries during the evenings this week.



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Remember, while chapter 5 gets going, chapter 4 remains open so that players can perform any last-minute actions, investigations, supply-purchasing, or poignant conversing. :cool:


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