[D20 CoC] Beyond the Mountains of Madness Campaign - Recruiting Alternate Players

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First Post
I apologize for the past couple of weeks of absence, but I've been pulled aside for family issues. Our mom is back in the hospital and it's not looking good. I'm traveling 300 miles each way to assist the family (camping in relative's homes when I'm away), so it's been a tough struggle.

Hopefully, one way or another, the stresses will ease soon. :(


Drowned Hero

First Post
Job said:
I apologize for the past couple of weeks of absence, but I've been pulled aside for family issues. Our mom is back in the hospital and it's not looking good. I'm traveling 300 miles each way to assist the family (camping in relative's homes when I'm away), so it's been a tough struggle.

Hopefully, one way or another, the stresses will ease soon. :(


Np Job. Hope your family i doing well under the circumstances. All my best wishes.



First Post
Hello everyone,

Thank you for your understanding during these trying times.

Our crisis is over (for now) and our mom is now out of the hospital, although she's suffered a heart attack and is noticeably weaker and closer to her "end game". I feel confident that I can take care of a few errands during the week, catch up on my work, and get back to running the game by this weekend.

I hate to even mention this, but bad news about my mom may come again soon and may force me back into crisis-mode with frequent trips out-of-state. I'll try to do a better job to let you know ASAP if and when that occurs.



First Post
Greetings All


Its been over two years since I last checked in and I'm quite happy to see that Jdeleski has kept the game moving. So sorry that I had to drop out, but life got in the way, 3 jobs and relocation intervened. I would have loved to see how my drunk scientist/priest Father JP Rucker would have faired.

Great effort guys, I will be following the post very closely.

Good Luck


First Post
Dallas4lr said:

Its been over two years since I last checked in and I'm quite happy to see that Jdeleski has kept the game moving. So sorry that I had to drop out, but life got in the way, 3 jobs and relocation intervened. I would have loved to see how my drunk scientist/priest Father JP Rucker would have faired.

Great effort guys, I will be following the post very closely.

Good Luck
Hello there, Dallas! Thanks for stopping by and letting us know how you're doing. Yep, this game continues on, a little slowly here and there, but drawn inexorably towards the ice. I'm excited that we're nearing the end of the New York City events and soon will depart for greater glory. :uhoh:



First Post
OnlyTheStrong said:
Wade hears the scream and rushes over to the man. Even for the experienced ER doctor, the sight was shocking. He hurrys and attends to the injured.

Heal check (1d20+13=33)
Wow! Impressive roll! :)


Voidrunner's Codex

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