• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

D20 Fantasy Mini-Settings


Voadam said:
More module ones

Thinking about not tracking any more of these. They could get too out of hand.

And then to complete the Dog soul collection: Raisya from Baba Yaga and the firebird supplements.

I was going to put it, but didn't remember how they spelled it...

Skraag City of Orcs by Mongoose
Stormhaven City by Mongoose
Stonehaven City by Mongoose

Good. Guess I should add the four city-modules by AEG as well.

Sheoloth City of the Drow by Mongoose


Seven Cities by Atlas games
Seven Civilizations by Atlas Games

Got Seven Civilizations, guess I should put cities, too. And maybe strongholds.

Voadam said:
Relics and Rituals Olympus and Arthurian Adventures? I'm not that familiar with those.

R&R Excalibur. I have and considered those, and am actually putting a setting using Excalibur in, but they aren't really settings so much as tone-specific rules supplements.

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Psion said:
R&R Excalibur. I have and considered those, and am actually putting a setting using Excalibur in, but they aren't really settings so much as tone-specific rules supplements.

I wasn't sure if these were more analagous to Hamunaptra's adjusting the setting to incorporate D&D rules or Testament's adjusting stuff to fit the setting.


First Post
Ssethragore: In the Coils of the Serpent Empire. Set in Arcanis: the World of Shattered Empires, but easily 'ported into any camapaign with a large Okefenoke type swamp. A large and evil empire of cold blooded humaniods. Ssanu (Yuan-ti), Sseressen (Lizardmen), Troglodites and Kolbolds are all part of this empire. The Ssanu once rules supreme, but were usurped by Naga who have conacted some other plane entities that want to create a bridge from their plane to Onara. That connection is built upon the souls of worshippers. This is an old and decadent society which has collapesed upon itself, but is still a major force to reckon with.

Legacy of Damnation. Again set in Arcanis, but in the Sealed Lands, behind the Wall of the Gods, where a maurading Infernal army has been trapped for over a millenia. Also easily 'ported to any location that is inaccessable due to a large mountain range, or any other type of barrier you might want. A very unique society has evolved, with millions of humans trapped behind the God's Wall when it burst up and saved the rest of humanity. Besides various Ingernal controlled cities, there are three human societies strugling for life as well as two Frost Giant communities.

Carnival of Swords: An Adventurer's to Old Coryan. Also in Arcanis, Old Coryan is the orginal capital of the fledgling Coryani Empire (Roman based) which was quickly ovewhelmed and crowded with traffic, so one emperor built a whole new capital (Grand Coryan) across the river, leaving Old Coryan to slowly decline into a dark and seedy city. Run by corrupt officials and two competing ethnic mafias, there is always intrigue and excitement to fill your time.

City of Secrets: An Adventurer's Guide to Nishanpur. Suprise, suprise, it is also set in Arcanis. This is an evil Theocracy of the Dark Triumverat. The Dark Triumverate worshippts a god of death and disease, a god of fire and destruction and a god of magic, oaths and the binding of Infernals. There is no law enforcement except for those who can afford the Mark of Sarish. If you have the Mark, then when you are accosted or attacked, special demons appear and attack who ever attacked you. If you have the Mark and are the aggressor, then your Mark fades away.

In The Shadow of the Devil. Set in the sub tropical Legue of Princes across the Lauriol Sea from it's larger neighbor the Coryani Empire. It details the background of what becomes the Satrapy of Eppion, controlled by, and a puppet of, the Coyani Empire. Lots of local flavor in a small, oppressed village that is a safe port for smugglers and pirates. Ruled by a cruel and self serving family for centuries, the village had ancient secrets and temples where a new evil awaits.

Codex Arcanis. The world setting book for Arcanis. Each chapter details another country on the continent of Onara. Each has very distinct cultural differences, but are united by a common religion. The most interesting to me are the Western Lands (LoP), Altheria (north african inspired) and Ymandragore: the Isle of Tears, where the Sorcerer King rules in his ongoing quest for godhood. He claims dominion over all spell casters and acitvely "harvests" them using kidnapping, extortion and murder to collect their crop.

As you can tell, I'm a big fan of Arcanis, but it's because it is a composite of many smaller settings with all the political and religious tensions that lends a sense of verisimilitude that satisfies my very picky palate.

Hope this helps.


Edward Kopp: Arcaniac at Large


Ceresco said:
Ssethragore: In the Coils of the Serpent Empire. Set in Arcanis:

For the purposes of this thread, setting books for other settings need not apply, or I'd be plunking Waterdeep, Silver Marches, Streets of Silver, Loona, Geanavue, etc., etc., etc., in. The list would be both less manageable and diluted with mini-settings that are not as portable.

Thanks, though.


Voadam said:
I wasn't sure if these were more analagous to Hamunaptra's adjusting the setting to incorporate D&D rules or Testament's adjusting stuff to fit the setting.

Hamunaptra had more setting detail. Though they are analogs in some ways.

Voidrunner's Codex

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