RPG Print News – Chaosium, Hero Games, and More

D&D 5e, RuneQuest, Hero System, Genesys, OSR, Spire, Marvel, and CC all have new products out this week.

Frogpersons along with a variety of articles for a variety of RPGs available from Exalted Funeral. A green dragon encounter and mini for Dungeons & Dragons Fifth Edition. More cults for RuneQuest. Hero Games has a supplement! Supplements for Genesys RPG, Spire, and Marvel Multiverse RPG are all available. The week rounds out with a couple of large collections of dice.

Note: RPG Print News covers recent RPG releases and some classics, reprints, and sales available from retailers. It does not cover products that are available directly to customers only through Kickstarter or as print on demand.

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Local Legends - Green Dragon Encounter by Steamforged Games
  • SYSTEM: Dungeons & Dragons Fifth Edition
  • PRODUCT TYPE: boxed set with unpainted plastic minis
  • RETAIL PRICE: $24.99
  • DESCRIPTION: The PCs face a green dragon that is tricky, highly intelligent, and more interested in testing the skills of opponents rather than eating anyone. Contains an encounter booklet, illustrated battle map, and three miniatures.
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Cults of RuneQuest - The Lunar Way by Chaosium
  • SYSTEM: RuneQuest: Roleplaying in Glorantha
  • PRODUCT TYPE: hardcover supplement
  • RETAIL PRICE: $39.99
  • DESCRIPTION: Covers the mythology of the Lunar gods and provides mechanics for each of their cults to create a PC. Contains 15 new cults including Jakaleel the Witch, the Goddess of Youth Teelo Norri, the Chaos demon known as the Crimson Bat, and the Red Goddess herself. Also includes an expanded treatment of the cult of the Seven Mothers from the core rulebook. Details a new and unique Lunar magic system, expanded rules for Lunar sorcery, the unique way Lunar Rune spells are affected by the phases of the Red Moon, and rules for adventuring on the surface of the Red Moon itself.
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Victorian Hero by Hero Games
  • SYSTEM: Hero System Sixth Edition - Volume 1 and Hero System Sixth Edition - Volume 2
  • PRODUCT TYPE: softcover supplement
  • DESCRIPTION: Provides mechanics, talents, equipment, characters, monsters, and villains, as well as a large amount of information on the Victoria Era’s technology, politics, social norms, and economics. In short, everything you need to be a hero in an age when Queen Victoria sat on the throne and Britannia ruled the waves! The Victorian Era was drenched in the flickering supernatural shadows cast by street lamps, haunted by a wide belief in ghosts, and illuminated by faith in the limitless possibilities of a newborn science that was not yet clearly understood, in a world not fully explored. Cast against a backdrop of colonialism and plagued by all-to-familiar modern social ills, it nonetheless possessed a spirit of innocence, exploration, and adventure. PCs play larger-than-life personalities making world-changing discoveries with the understanding that they could change life for the better. They investigate horrific crimes, stop daring robberies, meet literary and historical figures, and uncover the truth behind the supernatural and occult.
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War for the Throne by Edge Studio
  • SYSTEM: Genesys RPG
  • PRODUCT TYPE: hardcover supplement
  • RETAIL PRICE: $41.99
  • DESCRIPTION: Note: Miniature Market only ships this title to the United States, Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands. A three-part adventure for new or intermediate PCs that takes them from the depths of space to the heart of galactic power. When one of the Galactic Council's early warning surveillance stations goes silent, the PCs must discover if this is the prelude to an invasion. This investigation will plunge them into a maelstrom of treachery, mystery, and warfare that sees the fate of the galaxy resting in their hands. Includes opportunities for intrigue, investigation, and thrilling combat on the ground and in space. The PCs will face a host of diabolical enemies from murderous robots to deranged cults, culminating in a showdown with one of the most powerful villains to plague the galaxy. The PCs also have the chance to earn glory and honor and even take command of a powerful warship during the final epic battle in the skies above Mecatol Rex.
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Red Solstice Magazine – Issue 4: Fight Weird by Exalted Funeral
  • SYSTEM: various
  • PRODUCT TYPE: softcover zine
  • DESCRIPTION: Includes: a team of super powered fiends for use with the Long Shot City RPG, magical weapons like a magical trebuchet, discount potions and lotions, and The Peoples' Distributed Remote Outstation: a sci-fi microsetting set in the distant reaches of space in a few different stations. Plus Personfrogs!: sometimes frogs is person, and sometimes person is adventurer, contained within are three B/X adventuring personfrog classes , undead revenant rogues, the flaccid elf, a microsetting set in a fictional alpine nation filled with a seedy criminal underworld powered by Weird War One Mech suits, magical microbes, goblin insults, and Brooze: chugging some fine brewskis from a demon- faced pot.
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Sin | Spire RPG: GM Screen by Rowan, Rook & Decard
  • SYSTEM: Spire - The City Must Fall
  • PRODUCT TYPE: hardcover supplement/GM screen
  • RETAIL PRICE: $40/$20
  • DESCRIPTION: Sin delves deeper into the world of Spire and includes: two classes: the divine confidence trickster Gutter Cleric and the necromantic bureaucrat Mortician Executioner and three adventures (PCs face squabbling holy orders, mysterious librarians, demonic artefacts, overclocked noir magic, interdimensional breaches, and hotwired god avatars). Also has extensive sections on the Crime, Order, and Religion domains with dozens of new abilities, hundreds of plot hooks and fiction tidbits, four maps, and dozens of illustrations. The Spire RPG: GM Screen includes: core rules summary, quick guide to the city districts, every fallout summarized, random Aelfir and Drow name and personality tables, d20 NPC leverages to be exploited, and more.
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The Cataclysm of Kang by Marvel Entertainment
  • SYSTEM: Marvel Multiverse RPG
  • PRODUCT TYPE: hardcover supplement
  • RETAIL PRICE: $49.99
  • DESCRIPTION: Includes six adventures that can support a campaign that takes the PCs from street-level heroes to cosmic champions. The PC heroes must face and attempt to defeat the malicious machinations of Kang the Conqueror. PCs travel from Hell's Kitchen, to a reality where Hydra runs the world, to a chase across time.
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Poly Dice of Unusual Sizes Set - Flame Arrows with White (14) | Poly Dice of Unusual Sizes Set - Haste with Gold (14) by Impact Miniatures
  • SYSTEM: Dungeon Crawl Classics RPG
  • PRODUCT TYPE: boxed set with unpainted plastic minis
  • RETAIL PRICE: $24.99
  • DESCRIPTION: Each set contains Roman D3, top read D4, D5, D6, D7, D8, D10, D%10, D12, D14, D16, D20, D24, and D30. Flame Arrows is a swirl of orange and yellow with marbling effect to mimic the flickering of the flame. Haste is a swirl of brown and tan with marbling effect.
Charlie Dunwoody participates in the OneBookShelf Affiliate Program and the Noble Knight Games’ Affiliate Program. These programs provide advertising fees by linking to DriveThruRPG and Noble Knight Games respectively. If you like the articles at EN World please consider supporting the EN World Patreon.

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Charles Dunwoody

Charles Dunwoody

Gaming Tonic

Thanks for the info on Hero. The Hero System sourcebooks are traditionally some of the best products for a genre or type of play out there, regardless of rules. I hadn't heard of this one at all.
Thanks, this has a lot of info on the time. I like research and really dug into the literature and the historical records to get the mood down. If you like Hero Games stuff, I am currently updating and expanding the classic setting Justice Inc. It is time those domino masked crimefighters of the 1930's to take the spotlight again. Piles of historical stuff will be in that as well

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