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D&D 3E/3.5 D20 Pirates Blog--Updated

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Thomas Bowman

First Post
Here's a map of, along with settlement stats and area descriptions of, the Holy City on Homeworld.


This is interesting, I've been shopping around for a Parallel Earth for my d20 fantasy, I was thinking of using a historical Earth modeled on the 12th century, but this one is better. So this world basically has a Europe, Asia, Australia, North America, South America, and Antarctica, am I right? I have a d20 Solar System, I'd like to plug this into.

I have this map: https://orig00.deviantart.net/3cb9/f/2018/013/b/f/solar_system_inner_by_thomasbowman767-dbzxwna.png
it is almost exactly like our own Solar System with the exception of two planets. Venus has a 24-hour day (rotates backwards, sun rises in the west and sets in the east as viewed from its surface) and the cloud cover of Venus is of water clouds, the water clouds are magically maintained over the surface by a goddess, the goddess's name is the same as the planet, she is what keeps the planet alive. On its surface are swamps, forests, dinosaurs, and primitive humans of various sorts.

Mars is the opposite, it is a dried up world with canals that clings to life, it is ruled by the god of war of the same name, you have a sun god, I have one as well. Humans from our Earth have passed through a gate above the South Pole of Venus (North Pole if you consider that the planet is rotating backwards). They travel in this spaceship: https://orig00.deviantart.net/4b1d/f/2018/016/0/2/ultralight_scout_by_thomasbowman767-dc05zfr.png
these are d20 Future stats, it is a PL6 ship hailing from our World in the year 2078 AD. I need something to put in the spot for Earth, something that looks like our Earth but isn't our World.

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