D500 adventure ideas!


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145). Tax Refund - Who ever heard of such a thing? Good King Zander, after defeating the forces invading him, has filled his coffers, and is now sharing his excess with the peasants he taxes! Once again, citizenship is suddenly popular, and people born elsewhere are trying to claim it!

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146). Xenomorph - The PCs discover an exotic new, non-sentient lifeform of unusual and interesting sort. As discoverers, they also get to name it.


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147). Ambush! - In order to stop the bandit raids on his country's caravans, the Prince hires the PCs to "escort" a caravan full of soldiers, in order to ambush the attacking bandits!

Lu Wei Fong

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151: A new type of demon has been appearing recently. They posess many Monk-like abilities (instead of spell-like). They have been hunting down any and every Monk within the lands and several monostaries have already been razed thanks to them. The martial artists are fighting back as best they can, but the demons' levels of power are higher than all but the most powerful Monks (and other classes, for that matter).

152: A sect of Man-hunters (see the Quintessential Elf) have been gaining significant political influence in the local Elven Kingdoom...

153: The PCs encounter a skeletal bard whose haunting melodies seem to have the opposite effect of regular Bardic Music (except for 'Fascinate'). However, the creature is not neccessarily evil. More of a tormented soul type.

154: The church of Pelor has begun a holy crusade to convert all the 'heathen' to Pelorianism.

155: In a hash bar in the center of town lives an old impoverished bard who, for a gold piece, will tell you the story of the band of PCs he belongs to, and the legacy of their gold, which was buried in the chambers of a dormant volcano, surrounded by jungle

156. Illithids invade a large city the PCs are currently in, with amazing magical technology, and begin racial purification. Think a Mind Flayer Hitler.

157. A famous detective must be coaxed out of retirement to solve an unsolvable case

158. A venerable ninja inquires the PCs to assist him in stealing a diamond ring from a Roy, one that he stole from the ninja's sister before he assumed power, when he was still an infantryman in an army, after he raped and killed her.

159. A coffee manufacturer and a beer manufacturer in town start feuding, and form crime syndicates. Java houses and bars are constantly becoming mutual victims of arson, and members of the various businesses get flamboyantly assassinated, and there are always plenty of civilian casualties. The local government is, of course, powerless

160. A famous Elvan scop's bagpipes, "the jazz bag", is known to have magical powers, and was stolen by Drow zealots who are opposed to the Elvan arts and taken to a subterranean base.
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Steverooo said:
150). Christmas!

Perhaps the best way to celebrate it is to give the PCs a great deal of treasure, and then snow them in for the winter... That way, they have time to plan for it, shop, etc.

Of course, you could celebrate it, even in the dungeon, like so:


In any case, Christmas can be an adventure in itself!

I move that we replace that one with a more serious one, no offense, but considering the notion of "Christ" and any sort of holiday patronizing him doesn't exist in most campaign worlds, and that it doesn't really set up any sort of adventure hook other than "the characters are celebrating Christmas", it's kind of a stupid facetious entry.


161. The PCs start a campfire with some nearby dead wood. As the wood begins to burn the firewood speaks to them and gives the PCs a long tale. The flames coming off the wood form different shapes helping to illustrate the sad story.

162. A young woman from the village found a detached hand with a magical ring on one finger in the well. The hand was not decomposed or even bloated.

163. The PCs arrive at a village enjoying a feast celebrating an equinox holiday. A visit to the local shrine finds no priest and no one will tell them what that meat was they ate...
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