D&D 5E Dagger Thrower

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Kobold Stew

Last Guy in the Airlock
Thank you!

Would you recommend I go beastmaster or hunter? I'm leaning towards beastmaster for the poisonous pet, but I see there are some ranged attack abilities that hunters get that are really cool too...

Or do I not have to take an archetype? When you say "straight ranger" do you mean just ranger and not hunter or beastmaster?

By "straight ranger" I just meant no multi classing.

I think if it's knife fighting particularly you want, going hunter is the better choice. (You do have to choose one of the options.)

At level 3 Colossus slayer will often give you extra damage (+1d8) and so would be my choice, but the visuals of tossing off two knives at the same time with Horde breaker is also legit.

Certainly at level 11, Volley makes sense.

Hope it works out!


I'm just tagging this thread to find it easier.

I'm rethinking my archer rogue into a dagger chucker now! I have always planned on adding between 1 and 12 levels of Fighter though. :p


First Post
I think it didn't work. As rules says, sharpshooter only works with ranged weapon attacks

Kobold Stew

Last Guy in the Airlock
Are you sure the Sharpshooter feat applies to daggers? All three bullet points use the phrase "ranged weapon" — daggers are a melee weapon.

It's an open question, debated on these boards in many places, with (IMO) no clear conclusion, despite regular appeal to tweets by designers.

I think it didn't work. As rules says, sharpshooter only works with ranged weapon attacks

It's certainly fine if one wants to rule that way.

The build works just as well with darts, which if necessary can be used as an improvised weapon like a dagger...

It's an open question, debated on these boards in many places, with (IMO) no clear conclusion, despite regular appeal to tweets by designers.

Since posting my comment, I've found conflicting tweets. *sigh*

Mike Mearls says "yes, sharpshooter feat applies to dagger when the dagger is thrown".

Jeremy Crawford says "no".

I'm inclined to rule that sharpshooter applies to any ammo or thrown weapon using DEX, but not to any thrown weapon using STR, working on the idea that sharpshooter is a matter of aim, not of power.


First Post
It's an open question, debated on these boards in many places, with (IMO) no clear conclusion, despite regular appeal to tweets by designers.

It's certainly fine if one wants to rule that way.

The build works just as well with darts, which if necessary can be used as an improvised weapon like a dagger...

But rogue don't have proficiency with darts.

Voidrunner's Codex

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