D&D 5E Dagger Thrower

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I am pretty sure that the archery style doesn't help thrown weapons. A thrown weapon remains a melee weapon when thrown - it doesn't become a ranged weapon (despite being able to make ranged weapon attacks).

All ranged weapons make ranged weapon attacks. Not all ranged weapon attacks are made with ranged weapons OTOH.


Crusty Old Meatwad (he/him)
Our Dagger Thrower edges closer to being a realistic option with the Tasha's book, as they will include this fighting style:
Thrown weapon fighting – you can draw a thrown weapon as part of the attack you make (finally) and gain +1 bonus to damage


Dances with Gnolls
Yeah. I too was thinking about making a thrower. Do I want daggers (so iconic) or like just a pile of thrown axes or tomahawks (also really cool)?

I did a dagger-oriented Sword Bard. Just remember that you don't want to be throwing every round or you might as well save money and load up on darts. The joy of daggers is the being in a constant fluid state of melee and ranged. Being a spellcaster (and one who could use a dagger as a focus!) helped my character a lot with the free object interaction limitation because it meant that I had plenty to do on rounds when I couldn't get both hands loaded with daggers and didn't want to be in melee. Now spellcaster certainly isn't the only route there, but generally building towards having a good way to use the bonus action on turns when you can't get a second dagger out is important.

Eventually the character got an extra attack which made throwing real cumbersome due to the free object interaction limit, and got enough magic daggers to fight with but not enough to go throwing them around haphazardly, so dagger throwing became more of a secondary element in her repertoire, but she still never went anywhere without a coat full of daggers.

Yeah. I too was thinking about making a thrower. Do I want daggers (so iconic) or like just a pile of thrown axes or tomahawks (also really cool)?

If you are a rogue you want daggers because of sneak attack. A strength based martial character would be better off with handaxes because they are d6s. Unfortunately there is not a lot to really make throwing a strong primary form of attack for a strength-based martial character. I mean you can hardly call yourself a barbarian if you don't occasionally throw a handaxe at something, but it is not compatible with rage damage and you can't recklessly attack at range. Paladins can't divine smite with a thrown weapon. Fighters eventually make too many attacks to draw throwing weapons for. A strength-based axe-throwing ranger might be interesting though.


Playing around yesterday, and I think the piercing specialist feat is worthy of consideration. A +1 dex bonus, and you get to roll extra damage dice for piercing weapons? for a dagger throwing I think it's no brainer.

Piercer: Critical Hit (Special)
When you score a critical hit that deals piercing damage to a creature, you can roll one additional damage die when determining the extra piercing damage the target takes.
Piercer: Reroll Damage (Special)
Once per turn, when you hit a creature with an attack that deals piercing damage, you can reroll one of the attack’s damage dice, and you must use the new roll


Our Dagger Thrower edges closer to being a realistic option with the Tasha's book, as they will include this fighting style:
Thrown weapon fighting – you can draw a thrown weapon as part of the attack you make (finally) and gain +1 bonus to damage
I look to 5 levels of Gloomstalker for many rogue builds already tbh, even more so if they really want a fighting style. Extra attack, another attack on the 1st round of combat, the spells and pretty-much-invisibility in darkness is just crazy good. Throw Elven Accuracy on top. Ohh my.

And although the Hunter's Mark class variant features appearantly got kinda nerfed I still think Gloomstalker, which was strong to begin with, will be an absolute beast when Tasha's comes out. Could be very interesting with this build.


Crusty Old Meatwad (he/him)
I look to 5 levels of Gloomstalker for many rogue builds already tbh, even more so if they really want a fighting style. Extra attack, another attack on the 1st round of combat, the spells and pretty-much-invisibility in darkness is just crazy good. Throw Elven Accuracy on top. Ohh my.

And although the Hunter's Mark class variant features appearantly got kinda nerfed I still think Gloomstalker, which was strong to begin with, will be an absolute beast when Tasha's comes out. Could be very interesting with this build.
How were they drawing and throwing more than one dagger in the same round?

Voidrunner's Codex

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