Doing the best imitation of myself
I've heard this question asked many times but no one has said it happened in play. I've run a couple of combats with a friend who will be running the game for our group and we didn't have the issue. Because it's being discussed, we asked ourselves if it would be a problem with the characters we made. We each made two characters and played them against some bad guys. We saw that the characters who were focused on combat were really better at it, but not so much that it would seem to be a "waste" to have other characters act. But this was at first level.I'll ask again, has anyone that actually played had a player take all the turns? Has any table not mostly taken turns like normal?
As you level up, you really can make a character who is not focused on combat and maybe that situation would change. It would have to be a conscious design choice you'd make. I don't know how much you'd want to keep this from happening with the rules.
So I guess the problem is more in theory at low levels, but could become an issue at higher level.