D&D General DALL·E 3 does amazing D&D art


The second of Rex the Hammer's latest minions, a drow abjurer:

_2b4e01be-6b8d-4a01-b350-2d0537f2d8f3.jpg _6a2cdce3-d20f-409f-9e0a-1aa209982ed1.jpg _26b20cc0-fc3f-407a-9253-4f16b0869163.jpg _55d8e858-9f0d-46ef-b665-9da91af0cd97.jpg
_06724d7b-5c07-44b6-bff0-99325cee75c5.jpg _b30c781f-a635-4d88-989d-e9add0cd2791.jpg _b76e78da-3bc3-4801-a852-66f1b0f7faaa.jpg _cd91169e-d7eb-4aff-a406-aea80e55eb09.jpg

Right now I'm leaning towards either #3 or #6.

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prompt: drawn color map of fantasy location, isometric view, dramatic lighting, comic book style, ruins, one large statue
note: of course there's two statues, but at least the outputs respected my wish for just one large statue

prompt: drawn color map of fantasy location, isometric view, dramatic lighting, comic book style, city, a few people visible
note: I did NOT ask for the lady in the foreground, with a tiny person next to her, but I will try to replicate that next


prompt: drawn color map of fantasy location, isometric view, dramatic lighting, comic book style, a few people visible, city, japanese buildings, a female ninja in the foreground from the back
note: the visual style completely changed, just because I asked for an unspecified style character in the foreground


Tales and Chronicles

Jewel of the North, formerly know as vincegetorix
Some different takes on Goldmoon based on her initial description (silver-gold hair; sky-blue eyes; tall; slim; face like a pure, classic, cold statue; furs and leathers, etc):

View attachment 300487 View attachment 300488 View attachment 300489 View attachment 300490 View attachment 300491 View attachment 300492 View attachment 300493 View attachment 300494 View attachment 300495 View attachment 300496 View attachment 300497

Does anyone have any ideas on how to get it to zoom out? I've tried all sorts of things, but it just keeps insisting on giving me these head-and-shoulders portraits.
Try to ask for a background or a setting, then include an action your character's doing with her whole body.

ie: ''the setting is a moonlit forest. (insert description of character) is warming herself next to a small campfire'' .

Tales and Chronicles

Jewel of the North, formerly know as vincegetorix

Voidrunner's Codex

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