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Dark Deeds On White Mountain--Game Thread


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"Woden's beard... An alarm at the mine! Quickly!" The Padre rallies the remaining volunteers and takes off in the direction of the screams.

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Gray Shade

First Post
To Arms!

I don't want to get into too much of the numerical side of things, but to give a rough idea, the open gate is about 100 feet from where the group starts.

Kah runs toward the opening (double move-60', no weapon drawn).

Dentmus does not over-react.

Haakon runs toward the cave and sounds his horn (move 40'; Fenris: using Inspire Courage, or simply sounding alarm?).

Lars draws his greataxe and runs toward the trouble (move 40'; Greataxe readied)

The Padre runs toward the cave, giving a wave to Mist (double move-40', no weapon readied)

Mist mounts up on Thunder and starts toward the mine.

* * *

The villagers hustle in one direction then the other, unsure of what to do as your party sounds alarms and charges. Finally, when there is a crashing noise and a clatter of metal and stone from the mine louder than your horns and calls, the people in the market go quiet and stare at the gate. However, the ringing noise does not even have time to fade from your ears before it is overridden by screams of terror and a monstrous roar echoing out of the cave. Then, there is the sound of feet stomping quickly and chaotic yells and shrieks, warnings and pleadings and angry cries. Smoke is rising from the entrance in a thicker stream, and the guard on the catwalk above jumps to his feet, gripping the rail tight and squinting his eyes into the cave.

(your turn, again!)
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First Post
"Get the miners out of there! Get them out!"

The Padre pulls the longspear off of his back and readies it while whispered invocations of protection pass his lips.


OOC: He'll run up to the gate and assist those coming out if possible.


OOC: Yes, Inspire Courage. Can I make short statements while Playing? If so:

Haakon draws his sword with his other hand, and inbetween blasts on his horn says to Lars: "This doesn't sound like a regular cave-in"

Deuce Traveler

"Nay, 'tis bodes ill methinks," Lars says warily between breaths as he gives a nod of encouragement to Haakon. "I'm getting closer."

Lars continues to run to the cave opening, his great-axe at the ready and only pausing to enter if he can't see what's inside. He gives a quick prayer for the miners' safety.


Dentmus follows at a good gallop, dragging the not too happy Grunt behind. "Duty calls, it seems... now Grunt, yes I know you haven't eaten all day, and dwarves aren't that worth saving, but we must help. Of course, financial compensation should be duly given..." He watches as his new found comrades draw their arms and shakes his head. "Do they intend to fight flame with those? Tsk..." He appears to be admiring the rear view of the two professional adventurers. Now now Dentmus, this is not the time to be thinking of... THAT...but by Woden that is a fine set of buttocks!

When he reaches the mine, Dentmus will use his healing skills as necessary to aid the injured/fallen.


First Post
Gray Shade said:
Mist (I'm assuming) mounts up on Thunder and starts toward the mine (if you do something different, Bloodweaver, please forgive me, just let me know and I'll change this).

OOC: Yup, you are correct.


Seeing the smoking mine, Mist’s training quickly takes over and she immediately she jumps onto Thunder spurring him into a full gallop. Thunder’s white socked hooves pound heavily into the ground. Tearing up the soft earth beneath him as together they race past the other villagers and onwards to the cave. Instinctively Mist begins to set her Lance and then offers a silent prayer to the All Father as she starts to hear the screams of the town’s people.

As they reach the gate, Mist pulls back on Thunder’s reins forcing him to stop and to give a load wail as he rears up on his hind legs. Showing his white socks and huge black Clydesdale body clad in full chain barding for all to see. Using the pause in her moment to her advantage she takes a quick survey of the chaos before her, and attempts to identify the cause behind the terror.


OOC: For those who do not know Clydesdale horses are the famous Budweiser Horses. I though it would fit in well since they are a Scottish & Norwegian bread heavy horse. Hopefully I did it good enough justice in describing it to you.
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Guest 11456


*Kah continues running toward the mine entrance, hoping that the others are following.*

Gray Shade

First Post
Trouble will be here very soon--prepare while you can

As the miners start to run out and some of the party get close enough to meet with them, chaos is vomiting out of the cave.

A crowd of almost two dozen miners come scattering from the cave mouth. Kah, Lars, and Haakon find themselves in their midst, while The Padre and Dentmus follow. Mist charges forward on Thunder, weaving through the townspeople and miners with the grace of a waltz and the power of a titan's arm. Thunder rears up impressively (good description, Bloodweaver) but takes a few steps back when the following happens:

Some of the miners have their hands over their heads, others are holding obvious wounds, some help each other to limp and skip out. As those of you there are helping as you can, a few more miners come; these back out, pickaxes or shovels in hand. When one Half-Orc sees that he’s moved back into the sunlight, he throws his pick with both hands and turns to run. Inside the cave, there is a squeal and a roar and all the miners still in the cave entrance (as well as Kah, Lars and Haakon) recoil back, hands over their faces as flames strike out, enveloping the Half-Orc who threw the pick. In the light of the flames, the miners are silhouetted, but you see a glitter of metal inside the cave, soft gold that churns and heaves like something alive. The Half-Orc runs madly toward town and falls, flailing, as The Padre, Dentmus and a few brave souls run forward from the market to help him. The Dwarf on watch is obviously startled as he grabs at his greatspear several times before actually getting hold.

(er, so your go again)
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