Dark*Matter, Discovery: A Quiet Little Assignment


Diego tosses the man's gun aside, and pins the man, twisting the man's arm behind the man's back so as to question him when he wakes up.

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Funny, Meredith thought as the ghost slowly faded. The motto of The Evil Demon Vanquishing Club turns out to be the same as the Boy Scouts; be prepared. But she didn't smile. It wasn't really funny at all.

"Thanks," she said to the knight. "You've helped a lot."

She couldn't think of what else to say besides something cheesy like 'rest now,' so she didn't say anything else. She just stood vigil over the fallen knight's last moments...then turned around and left his tomb in peace to rejoin her comrades.


There's a crack of a rifleshot in the distance on the other side of the road from where Merideth and Diego area, and a flash of sparks as the bullet bounces of the bulletproof hood of Team Libra's car, the bullet missing Nick by maybe an inch.

Inside the cave, the knight raised his sword in a spectral, then slowly faded from sight as Merideth left the cave, his task done. She exited just in time to hear the distant echo of a gunshot, and see Diego pin the other shooter to the ground.


"Frak," shouts Cade as he moves for cover on the other side of their vehicle, hopefully pulling Nick along with him. Once there, Cade opens a door on his side and reaches to pull his long-case out. "Okay, if the shooter is good, then they're moving right now...if we're lucky, he's just sitting there getting ready to take abother shot."

While pulling his hunting rifle from the case, Cade lays down a quick outline of how to try and survive a sniper attack, mostly movement styles and tactics.


"Well that was rude," Nick says as he crouches next to the team's vehicle. He scans the treeline as best he can, trying to get a glimpse of the one who just tried to kill him. Again.


There! A flash of movement about two hundred feet into the woods. There was another crack and a muzzle flash from the position, and a burst of sparks from the side of the car. The shooter was trying to go for the fuel tank on the van, but the advanced armor Ryker had installed was working as advertised.


"Doc," says Cade as he readies his own rifle. "Pop off a few shots right into a tree over there."

Cade indicates a group of trees that are near where the shooter might go, so as to hopefully use the shot to flush the target so that he can return fire.


"Doc," says Cade as he readies his own rifle. "Pop off a few shots right into a tree over there."

Cade indicates a group of trees that are near where the shooter might go, so as to hopefully use the shot to flush the target so that he can return fire.

"Got it," he says, and fires as directed.


Diego's heart races as gunfire erupts. This bastard here might not stay down for long, though. I'm the only one who can deal with him right now. And the others know what to do about the other... He concentrates on keeping the suspect subdued.

Voidrunner's Codex

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