Dark*Matter, Discovery: A Quiet Little Assignment


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Larry saw Meri dissapear through the cliff, and shrugged. When walking through stone becomes an every day occurence, it's time to think if your choices were the right ones...

He tried following his partner through.

[sblock]sorry guys, I was out of the picture for a week, scuba diving and trekking in Robinson Crusoe Island....I regret nothing ;)

If as I suspect, Larry is unable to follow, he'll contact Cade to get an update of the situation.

Proposal: Diego stays to wait for Blade, while Larry goes do his thing with the copper


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When Larry attempted to go through the cliff wall, he found it as solid as the rock of Gibralter. Whatever was going on inside seemed to be for Merideth only


“Because you are the inheritor of a powerful legacy, one that began long before my own birth, and because you may be the last one with this legacy left in the world,” the old man set his blade down on the top of the tomb. It shimmered and passed through the top into the inside of the tomb. “You are a Confronter, as was I, in my time. It is our birthright to seek out the evils that plague this world and destroy them. You will have felt it by now, strength, perceptions… you can sense things others cannot. And you understand the true nature of the world we live in. I am here to give you instruction and a portion of your birthright.”


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"Joker, Blade went through a wall and we can't follow her." He added belatedly, "she was going all mystic on us, kind of like when she picked up the sword piece that time. I ain't too worried, but I guess we don't want to leave her alone. How are things going over there?"


"Things are well enough," says Cade after he turns to look at Nick and pretend it's him that he's talking to. "Except that Barney Fife is down here, all riled up with no Andy in site to get him calmed down."

"I got him to back down, for now, but I'm fairly sure I pissed him off to no end," says Cade with a ton in his voice that let's Larry know that he's grinning, slightly. "So, you know, same ol', same ol'."


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Larry turns to Diego and explains the situation. "Maybe I can get the police calmed down. Stay here and wait for Meri. If things go sour, at least the two of you will be out of it.

Larry then starts marching back to the car. He makes it out of the woods back on his own tracks, and walks out to the road tucking his shirt in. He starts speaking loudly to his friends, making sure to be overheard by the cop he pretended to not have noticed. "Should have asked for a bathroom back there, sorry guys. If we hurry we can catch Meredith and Diego on the interstate, though their car is faster than our van..." he finished speaking as he was about to open the door, and then pretended to notice the officer. "Oh, hello officer! Don't worry, we're leaving town right away..."

[sblock]Larry is bluffing. ;)

The idea is to sell the cop on the fact that he was the only one who'd gotten off



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When Larry attempted to go through the cliff wall, he found it as solid as the rock of Gibralter. Whatever was going on inside seemed to be for Merideth only


“Because you are the inheritor of a powerful legacy, one that began long before my own birth, and because you may be the last one with this legacy left in the world,” the old man set his blade down on the top of the tomb. It shimmered and passed through the top into the inside of the tomb. “You are a Confronter, as was I, in my time. It is our birthright to seek out the evils that plague this world and destroy them. You will have felt it by now, strength, perceptions… you can sense things others cannot. And you understand the true nature of the world we live in. I am here to give you instruction and a portion of your birthright.”

Birthright, or birth-obligation? Meri wondered.

She thumped her hand on her sword hilt. "I've got a sword...and a shield too. I..." Words failed her though as the thin crust of cynicism she'd tried to put up failed. She'd never been much for that anyway...it just didn't suit her. "...I'll take the instruction though. I have to tell you...I've been feeling kind of lost lately. We...I...lost someone. They got away. We stopped their plot, but lately I've just been feeling like...how long can this go on? We have to get it right -every time- or a city falls into Hell or a demon shows up to eat the world or...some other thing from a giant list of awful things. And the bad guys only have to get it right once. How can we ever win?"


The Sergeant just grunted at Larry, and then climbed in driver's seat of his car, though he didn't start it, and instead got out a cellphone, quick dialed a number, and started talking quietly.

Down the road, on the other side of the team and their car, another squad car pulled to the side of the road. A pair of officers got out, leaned on the side, and quietly looked down towards Team Libra.

A text message came back to Cade from Z.

-Did some checking on deGant. Interesting stuff. Founded Crystoleum Chemicals two years previously. He does research and manufacturing for industrial applications on liquid crystallization and petroleum products, really cutting edge stuff. A little too cutting edge, if you ask me, his R&D funding and estimates don't quite match up with the progress he's showing. Also, he’s a former Neo-scieontologist, had a very public and nasty break up with them when he went to start his own business. Talks against them every chance he gets. The plant has been showing steady profits since it opened the doors and brought a lot of new people to the town.

I saved the best for last though: The DEA has an active file on him, and a team in the area. That’s all I’ve got at the moment. I’ll need time to decrypt the rest of the file to get at the juicy stuff.-


The old man stared at Meredith long and hard, before sighing and leaning against the side of his tomb. "It's not easy... and I know all too well the price of failure. We faced a similar threat in my time, and in the end, everything we fought for was destroyed, the bravest man I ever had the honor of knowing perished containing a great evil, and I died and was buried in this land, on the other side of the world from where I was born."

He shook his head. "I can't offer you certainties, there are none. We could win or they could win, it all comes down to those of us willing to see the world for what it is, and choose to stand up against the oncoming tide. What I can tell you is this: Powerful forces are moving against the good in this world, demons, Strangers from the other side, and worse... but there are also powerful forces assisting those of us standing against it."

He reached forward and grasped Merideth's arm with a cold hand, touching the mark there. "It is no coincidence that you've managed to find the shards to this sword, despite the fact that they were scattered across the world in my era. It's no coincidence that you came across my tomb."


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Meredith flinched and yanked her arm back from that cold touch out of sheer instinct. She clapped her hand over the place he'd touched, then looked under it and saw the mark again. Her shiver had nothing to do with the chill presence of the ghost this time.

"All right," she said. "I feel like there's a lot to hear, and...I dont' really know what questions to ask. My friends are out there and there could be trouble, so I don't have time to guess. Can you just tell me what I need to hear?"


After getting the text from 'Z', Cade fills Nick and Larry in on the details, after forwarding the text to the Team's phones.

"It makes more sense, now, why the local cops are irksome," says Cade to those near him. "If they're dirty, I'd really prefer to avoid a tangle with them...even as much as I hate their type."


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Larry looks at Cade and nods. He speaks loudly, making sure the new officers could hear him. "So the lawyers will meet us at the sheriff's office? About time that high priced retainer got used, don't you think. Plunkett, Lorowitz and Schmidt, " Larry rattled of the name of Chicago's high powered law firm, "hasn'tgone to court in years. Everybody always rushes out to settle with them. Maybe this is the time we finally get to see them in action?"

[sblock]Larry is intimidating the coppers...[/spoiler]

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