Dark*Matter, Discovery: A Quiet Little Assignment


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"Ma'am, I do this for a living. I've checked your forum posts, and you mentioned a lot more details than that. I know you are tired of all the harassment, but be sure, we are here to help you." He looked earnestly into her eyes, and continued. "Some people become scared of telling the truth, after they feel the doubt of their peers. But be sure, if there's anybody that can help you, it's me." He coughed, and then clarified, "I mean us." He hoped he hadn't laid it on to thick. He could simply use his psychic mojo on her, but he much preferred to do it Au Natural. After all, it was good practice.

[sblock] +12 Diplomacy, or +14 Bluff, since I'm trying to seduce her/befriend her. I'll throw in an AP as well[/sblock]

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Meri frowns and looks down at her arm. She tugs the sleeve of her jacket up, scrunching it up at her elbow so she can see her forearm directly.

"What about the forest?" she asks distractedly. "You said something about a forest?"

(OOC - Refresh my memory...was this mark one she got when she dueled that other swordsperson? Or when/where did she get this mark?)


OOC: Yes, the marking first appeared after defeating the cultist with the corrupted holy sword. It grew and began to resemble a blade after retrieving the additional two shards you found with the shield in Russia.

Looking at her arm, Meredith can see the marking suddenly glow faintly. For a brief moment, she can witness the outline of an entire sword appearing around it, then it fades, and the mark resumes its normal shape.

Megan glances at Merideth quizically for a moment, though she didn't see the glowing mark. "The forest? Nothing special about it, just an old forest south of the chemical plant."

She glanced back at Larry, turning her head slight. "Look... it's... it's not that... I... he told me not to say... I think you should go."


"He?" Nick pipes up. He walks over to Megan and kneels down next to her. "Look," he continues calmly. "We're experienced in dealing with this sort of thing. In fact it's a bit disturbing how experienced we are, really. But trust me when I tell you that you have to tell us everything, or nothing good can come of this." He smiles, a fatherly type of smile. "Now, why don't you start from the beginning and we'll see what we can do about this whole thing, okay?"


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"Honey, whoever He is, he doesn't have your interests at heart. We can help you. He scares you, we don't. That should let you know who is on the side of the angels here."


"It's the light I remember the most," she says, her hand trembling slightly as she sits down. "There was this bright light above, and I felt myself floating... I woke up in a metal room. They were all around me... short and grey..."

"They asked me questions... and gave me an injection. They said it would make me forget, but it didn't. They said they needed to know some things, for the benefit of humanity... and, it was like a dream. I had no control, I had to answer. The questions, it's strange. They wanted to know about deGant and the chemical plant, what we did there, the layout, even the accounts. Nothing else."

There's a ping on Cade's motion detector. Someone has quietly walked up the front drive and is standing just outside the front door.


"deGant... the manager of the plant. He flew into a rage when he found out... and he told me not to talk about this to any reporters, or he'd fire me..."


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"Don't worry, if somebody asks, we'll tell them you didn't say anything new, and that we think you were making the story up as a lark." Larry thought furiously for a moment, looking at his companions as his brain rushed. "Ma'am, I'm sorry to say this, but this is looking more like industrial espionage than an alien abduction. You were chemically disoriented, and they used disguises to further twist your perceptions. It's a common ruse, because the shock of been confronted by "aliens" lowers your inhibitions, and makes getting answers easier. But think about it, why would aliens that can travel through space, and beam you up have to ask questions like those? Wouldn't they have better technology than anything we might have?" Larry's voice was confident, sure of itself. "Look, the best thing to do would be to take a vacation away from here, until this whole press thing dies down. Keep your head down, enjoy yourself, and all this will blow over soon enough."

Larry wasn't sure that this could be dismissed as simply an espionage case, and deGant was involved in some way. He doubted it was aliens, but he'd leave that to the brass to decide. One thing was certain, deGant and the factory should be checked out. He wasn't about to press her for more details, because their assignment was to disavow this encounter.


While the interview is going on, Cade will casually make his way so that he can covertly look outside and see who triggered the motion detector. One his way to do so, he'll silently signal Meri as he passes buy, indicating one person outside the front door. But, he also shakes her off, implying that it's not an threat, yet.

Voidrunner's Codex

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