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Dark*Matter: Discovery, The Chicago Ripper


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Meredith doesn't react to Cade's humor, nor to anything anyone's saying. She just stares down at the fallen demon, breathing heavily.

After a moment she looks at the others and says, "Are you all -insane-? We don't have TIME to go look for runaways or...or explain. They can kill Z -right now-! The last sacrifice doesn't have to be at a specific time! They're just waiting for that guy to call in that it's done, and who knows how long they'll wait! We have to get going NOW!"

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Friadoc said:
Cade looks at Nick and asks, "How're you holding up, Doc?"

Nick presses his hand to the wound in his shoulder and winces. He looks at Cade as if to say You've got to be kidding.

"It hurts," is all he manages as he tries to stand up. "But Meridith is right, there's no time for complaining. We've gotta go. Now. Call ahead for one of those healers to meet us there if he can--I think we're gonna need him."


When the cultist stabbed himself, Diego thought Maybe if we get him away from here before he dies we can stop it. But it's quickly obvious that it's too late.

Heart still pounding, he says "I thought the last one was a two hour ceremony. No - we don't know that for sure. It could be different."


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industrygothica said:
"It hurts," is all he manages as he tries to stand up. "But Meridith is right, there's no time for complaining. We've gotta go. Now. Call ahead for one of those healers to meet us there if he can--I think we're gonna need him."

"You gotta stay positive Doc. When we win this, we'll still have to cover up whatever happened. And I don't think we have one of those flashy-thingy's to erase people's memories."


Cade offers to help Nick stand up, before he heads for the SUV while talking on his cellphone to the Institute, quickly giving them an update on the situation. He also asks for a team to come to the alley, get the cultist and murderguant bodies, as well as the van.

"Okay, folks," says Cade as he gets in the SUV, flips on the flashing lights, but leaves the siren off. Cade will only pop the siren on in bursts, when needed, so as not to alert the other cultists that anyone is coming. "Load up, we're outta here!"


"Oh god, oh god, oh god," the girl said, once she'd been unbound. "They were going to kill me." She was panicky, and not praticularly calm or clear. Pretty normal for a student who was, a minute ago, about to be ritually sacrifice to dark demon god.

Quinn looked at Larry. He couldn't be sure whether she believed him or not. She quickly took charge of the hostage, and then looked at Larry. "Wherever you're going, I'm going too. This is all looking like something out of Buffy the Vampire Slayer, but damned if I'm just going to sit back and do nothing."


Enroute, Stanfield radioed in. He agreed to send an acolyte healer to the address, and a backup team to clean up the alley mess. He also added something else. "We've got a problem," he said. "The ESF has been investigating the situation, and they're sending in a team of their own to resolve the situation. It's an airborne assault team. You've got to get there before they do."
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Cade won't object to Quinn tagging along, it'd be too much time and effort to keep her from coming, short of killing her. That's not a bridge Cade would cross, just yet. Plus, Quinn can handle the girl who was meant to be a sacrifice.

"Figures," replies Cade to Stanfield. "Leave it to the Smurfs to make the wrong call."

"We'll handle it, ASAP," says Cade over the radio. "Sir, we've also got a pair of civilians with us, the girl who was gonna be sacrificed and Lt. Quinn of the CPD." After a pregnant pause, Cade adds, "They've seen a lot, already, and Quinn held up her own pretty good."

Cade'll hand the radio to whomever, from the group, is in the passenger seat, to let them talk further with Stanfield.

Now, Cade focuses on driving the hell out of the SUV as he flies down the streets of Chi-Town towards their destination.

Beating an airborne assault team takes a bit more focus, but Cade's gonna give it his all.


One more AP, drops my total down to 8, if I remember rightly. I need to re-check the refresh rules on this stuff. :D


"Listen to me," Standfield said. "ESF assault teams have no concept of subtlety. These are the guys who invented shock and awe. They will level the area with rockets, if they have to and they won't care if some Hoffmann Institute agents get in the way. Keep that in mind." He didn't bother asking whether or not the team would still go in after Z. He already knew the answer.


First Post
Quinn said:
"Wherever you're going, I'm going too. This is all looking like something out of Buffy the Vampire Slayer, but damned if I'm just going to sit back and do nothing."

"That's OK. Just remember that your peashooter didn't even scratch that monster back there. The best you can do for us is to keep the girl safe, and try to keep the CPD out of this. Without the proper gear and training, they'll be lambs to the slaughter."
Rumaging in the gear lockers while Cade rushes feverishly towards the new scene of the combat, Larry finally digs out an earpiece. "Here, take this. You'll be able to hear all that we say and do."

Looking earnestly into her eyes, Larry realizes he somehow has gained a lot of respect for this cop. She was tough, determined, and just wouldn't quit. "Look, you've proven you have the guts. But you just don't have the training or gear for what we're going into face right now. But to tell you the truth, knowing you're there to cover our backs does wonders for my peace of mind. Never though having one of Chicago's finest behind me would make me feel better." The last is said with a grin. The anticipation is once again getting the better of Larry, and he's getting ready to rock. "Meredith, those were some cool moves. I think we have your call sign: Blade." Turning to Cade he adds with a grin, "what you think about that, Joker."

Voidrunner's Codex

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