DarkMatter D20: Drunk Southern Girls with Guns ... UPDATED - 8/18/05!

What would you like to see in the DarkMatter campaign?

  • Cthulhu, baby

    Votes: 66 23.7%
  • More anal probing!

    Votes: 66 23.7%
  • Rather less anal probing, thank you.

    Votes: 33 11.9%
  • Deeper Conspiracy theory stuff

    Votes: 84 30.2%
  • More traditional monster/horror tone

    Votes: 29 10.4%

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Excellent post as always. I recall long ago an allusion to the agents gaining possesion of "the anal corer" or somesuch. I think I see where this is heading.

I have a question though: can someone clarify for me what "Majestic 12" is? Obviously ominous, but that's not exactly narrowing down the list of possibilities in this story hour.

Come to think of that list, I'm surprised the FEMA fellow that was outwitted via cellular phone chicanery hasn't used a black ops helicopter to "erase" the agents yet. There was a guy who would hold a grudge.


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SpaceBaby Industries said:
I have a question though: can someone clarify for me what "Majestic 12" is? Obviously ominous, but that's not exactly narrowing down the list of possibilities in this story hour.

Come to think of that list, I'm surprised the FEMA fellow that was outwitted via cellular phone chicanery hasn't used a black ops helicopter to "erase" the agents yet. There was a guy who would hold a grudge.

Majestic 12 will be explained next post. It is a total conspiracy geek reference, and when you know Sully is a Scully stand-in ... well you'll see.

If I were DMing this on a regular basis, the FEMA guy would so be back. I love recurring villains--in my Scarred Lands campaign, Ross has developed a serious hate-on for my recurring bad guy. As these were one-offs, I plead the plot device as stated: Hoffman Institute has a lot more influence and power than people think. Much like the whole "no killing agents" unspoken agreement during periods of the COld War, FEMA can't move against them directly.

Next time we play, I may actually use the SAVAGE WORLDS system from Pinnacle, Go check it out, it's very, very cool.

Majestic 12 will be explained next post
Ah. I thought I had missed something (probably of significance) from a previous post

It is a total conspiracy geek reference
It would appear the word "conspiracy" in that sentence doesn't apply to me. I must not be paying enough attention to the subtle machinations of the Secret Masters.

Note to self: see if I can scrounge up a copy of Illuminati, boardgame version. It's been too long since I've lead the UFOs in their quest to control the Post Office.

If I were DMing this on a regular basis, the FEMA guy would so be back. I love recurring villains--in my Scarred Lands campaign, Ross has developed a serious hate-on for my recurring bad guy. As these were one-offs, I plead the plot device as stated: Hoffman Institute has a lot more influence and power than people think. Much like the whole "no killing agents" unspoken agreement during periods of the COld War, FEMA can't move against them directly.

That plot device works for me. The killing of several newspaper employees the next day now makes even more sense to me. This was the level of retaliation safely available to FEMA guy (catchy tag there), not to mention the inherent venting of the spleen value.

For a puppy kicking kind of fellow FEMA guy is.

Thanks for the rapid response, and I look forward to more details about this nefarious Majestic 12 lot.


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Hooray for Jonrog!

Oh, man, that brain-thing is disturbing... Jonrog, you have a sick, sick

and totally awesome

mind and work here...


First Post
I'm not crazy. I'm special. I think.

Ahhh, the story hours. Been a while since I checked in but I just caught up and there are so many things to say.

The first of which is, my friends are evil. Now I can't be sure, but on the "pretend Jo is crazy and ignore the things I say when holding the green pen - (oooh look at us, aren't we clever that we can outsmart a drunk girl)" night, I had probably made them dinner, as I often do.

Now I can't speak definitively as to whether it was lasagna or pork chops or a variety of Mexican deliciousness. All I know is that week, as every week, I had gone to our session with love in my heart and warm feelings for every person there. And look how I was repaid. Sigh. It feels like daddy's "love" all over again.


Elph, it's great to see you! I agree, you definitely got the short end of the proverbial kindness stick. I sort of see your PC as the straight man for the game universe's really, really cruel joke. Zombie soup, anyone?

I'll probably be out in LA next November. If so, it'd be fun to finally meet you guys. :D


First Post
Then you must sit in on a session. Let's see if you can be mean to me while munching on a seven layer dip I made with love and a desperate need to be liked and accepted.

Stoopid stoopid boys. Keep us updated, P. It will be such a treat to have you here!

Voidrunner's Codex

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