DarkMatter D20: Drunk Southern Girls with Guns ... UPDATED - 8/18/05!

What would you like to see in the DarkMatter campaign?

  • Cthulhu, baby

    Votes: 66 23.7%
  • More anal probing!

    Votes: 66 23.7%
  • Rather less anal probing, thank you.

    Votes: 33 11.9%
  • Deeper Conspiracy theory stuff

    Votes: 84 30.2%
  • More traditional monster/horror tone

    Votes: 29 10.4%


First Post
I see what's going on here. Your LA "daddy" (DM) isn't giving you the love you need, so you going looking for a better "daddy". Oh, P-Cat's so nice. Oh, he spends hours working up his adventures for his PC's ....

Have you SEEN what he DOES to those people? Frikkin' GYGAX would read those story hours and shudder at the monster and spell combos. Facing him as a DM, every week at our place would be "Bring four d6 and come with me ..."

We tease because we love you. Do not be seduced by P-kitty's silver tongue and dashing eye-patch. He's evil. Eeeeeevil.
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Librarian, Geologist, and Referee
Elph, it's great to hear from you again. I have to admit that the torture endured by poor Jo has been some of the best reading on these boards for me. I live for those moments not out of any spite, mind you, but out of a perverse joy for John's writing.

Operation "Green Pen" was pure genius so thank you for being a great sport and true player.

I enjoy your insight and have a player who can relate with the whole "make and bring good food only to be tortured" thing. She feeds us well and often gets the short end of the stick. Maybe we could start a support group for under appreciated and over tortured female players.:)

Thanks for posting and come back soon.
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I want a monthly update!

Dang, we're demanding - but KidC claims that she'll start posting Barry Manilow lyrics all over this thread if you don't get on it. Starting with "Mandy," no less. And I think she means it.


First Post
I like Mandy. It's Angel's favorite song.

Thing's have been a bit nuts, trying to finish my usual horrible workload before I take off with the lovely wife for our anniversary trip. I'll try to dash one off before we go, and then definitely do one when we're up visiting her family in Ottawa.

If everyone's really good, maybe I'll bang out or Savage Worlds pulp anime game session. And for once, Jo wasn't the target in this -- it was Ross. And he was easily MVP for it.

Take care,



Registered User
jonrog1 said:
I like Mandy. It's Angel's favorite song.

heheh :)

jonrog1 said:

If everyone's really good, maybe I'll bang out or Savage Worlds pulp anime game session. And for once, Jo wasn't the target in this -- it was Ross. And he was easily MVP for it.

Take care,


Do it! Do it! I wanna read it!
are there any....Zombies?!:eek:

My moto for Savage Worlds has become...
"If it's good enough for jonrog it's good enough for me!"


First Post
paulewaug said:
Do it! Do it! I wanna read it!
are there any....Zombies?!:eek:

No. Just mutated dogs, a massive seething proto-baby-mass, Agents from the Matrix, a running gun battle/car chase, a cop in a robot suit, and a 40 year old man in a little girl sailor suit wielding magical powers. You know, the usual.


First Post
jonrog1 said:

No. Just mutated dogs, a massive seething proto-baby-mass, Agents from the Matrix, a running gun battle/car chase, a cop in a robot suit, and a 40 year old man in a little girl sailor suit wielding magical powers. You know, the usual.

You are a cruel, cruel man. I can't wait!


First Post
Elph, I can highly recommend the PirateCat Experience (why does that sound like a bad 70's band?). Is one of the layers of seven layer dip evil? That's PC's favorite flavor.

And sure, he's evil. But he's an honest, sincere evil. Plus, I do all the game baking, so you'd be off the hook for the evening.

Voidrunner's Codex

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