DarkMatter D20: Drunk Southern Girls with Guns ... UPDATED - 8/18/05!

What would you like to see in the DarkMatter campaign?

  • Cthulhu, baby

    Votes: 66 23.7%
  • More anal probing!

    Votes: 66 23.7%
  • Rather less anal probing, thank you.

    Votes: 33 11.9%
  • Deeper Conspiracy theory stuff

    Votes: 84 30.2%
  • More traditional monster/horror tone

    Votes: 29 10.4%

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First Post
Best Story Hour Ever.

Thanks for all of your work. Old Drew Id is my GM and we've just started trying to post up our story hour (linked below). You've inspired us!


Librarian, Geologist, and Referee
Pierceatwork. I love your story hour.

Between you guys and John here, I am a story hour junky. If you have not read all of John's stories, do! They are all a great read.

By the way, which character do you play in your story hour?


First Post
The first trick-or-treaters were walking the streets as the shadows fell. Concerned parents shepherded the youngest costumed kids from door to door. An angelic chorus of “trick or treats”, accompanied by the melodies of doorbells, wafted into the crisp fall air. “Could I request – no, beg for -- a modicum of discretion. There’s a whole town of witnesses strolling around.”


Terrific story, Jonrog, I cannot say that enough!

Well, I suppose I could, but then I'd be dead. Or something.



Sully may be Eeeeevil with five e's, but she's foiiiiiine with six i's *and* an o.

(And creeeeeeepy, with seven e's but that's IRL. I'm sure in your game she's just creepy with two, maybe 3 e's tops.)


First Post
Thanks, fenzer

fenzer said:
Pierceatwork. I love your story hour.

Between you guys and John here, I am a story hour junky. If you have not read all of John's stories, do! They are all a great read.

By the way, which character do you play in your story hour?

What, the white Stetson avatar and the sig don't give it away? :D

Yeah, I'm Guyzell "Brother" Cooper....

Thanks for the feedback. I'm not at all kidding when I say that jonrog et al. got us motivated to write up our stuff. I even went out and bought a tape recorder and began transcribing our sessions - that'll start with Episode 2 ("Mind-controlling-mutant-genetically-engineered-giant-spiders?!? PLURAL!??!")

Our crew has been playing together for three years now, primarily D&D 3E and d20 SW, and lately switched to Modern. It's a bit of a gear shift, but it's been quite a ride so far.

Heck, we spent the first hour of play last night reliving parts of the Drunk Southern Girls SH like it was a movie we'd all seen over the weekend! (He says, trying desperately not to hijack jonrog's thread...)


Librarian, Geologist, and Referee
Sorry Pierce, I missed the signiture.

Well, now I need to thank John for motivating you guys. I think his story hours have done more for this place than just about any other, sorry Pcat.

Here's to many more.


Herder of monkies

And please let me add my 2 cents Jonrog...

I am totally hooked on this story hour... I laughed so hard at the latest installments that I had to leave my desk at work.

And thanks, also, for inspiring my GM and other players to write up and further explore our little universe... I play in Old Drew Id's group with Pierceatwork and it is quite a hoot. I even have been inspiried to write a little off-camera fiction for my character, Willie Lamar, but sadly, after reading your stuff and Old Drew Id's write-up of our fun, I now feel like that kid that showed up to play 'army' with the others carrying a nicely shaped stick I found in the backyard, and the others all have the cool $25 spanko-ray blasters with the flashing lights and Real Sparking Action (tm). And matching fatigues.

Jim, aka Ledded, aka Willie "I'm gettin' tired of all these d*&^ monkey remarks!" Lamar

Voidrunner's Codex

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