Particle_Man said:This actually makes the point that the Warlock is so hosed in a grapple that they *NEED* to spend at least one feat purely to help them out in grapple situations. And unlike Wizards, Walocks do not get any bonus feats to play around with. Since they don't get the *kewl* "make any item with the right feat" ability until 12th level, that leaves Improved Grapple and Sudden Still Spell as the prime choices for the low to mid level Warlock. I went with Sudden Still Spell and Flee the Scene, myself.
Which book is Sudden Still Spell found in? I assume it is a feat that affects spell like abilities. I couldn't find such a thing, so I went with the Improved Grapple route. I agree that a no somatic feat combined with Flee the Scene is vastly preferable. In fact, even Flee the Scene is not really needed (although still desired) since while grappled, you just blast away (abet with a Concentration roll) at the guy holding you. You will do more damage to them then they will do to you and if their buddies try to help out, they could still accidentally hit their ally.
Mental note to add Sudden Still Spell to my Lawful Evil NPC Halfling Warlock Reoccurring Villain.