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Rich Baker posted an interesting entry on his blog in the Wizards community (here)

He speaks on length about the silt sea, pointing towards some possibly interesting fluff they have created to explain its existance. Other small tidbits include the mentioning of muls as a race and Templars.

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GHAH. That text hurts my eyes SO MUCH. Why would you use super light colored text with a pure white background...?!

Also, OH LOL at the last paragraph. Already we see the sudden retcon connection to the elemental chaos or to the Primordials. I've got 11 months to enjoy this potential incoming train wreck and they're not giving any delays! :D


First Post
Oh boy, I sure can't wait for them to take a great big greasy dump all over Dark Sun.

Dark Sun does not have "inconsistencies" that need fixing. All these dumb jackasses need to do is stat up the creatures and noteworthy NPC's, then clarify that the Prism Pentad never happened. Then everyone could maybe enjoy the setting.

Instead they're obviously already messing with the ecology and have this bizarre idea that they need to "fix" the setting. Yeah, this is going to be goddamn awful and it's going to lose everything that was good about it.

Five bucks says the Dray are going to be Dragonborn and that they're somehow going to wrangle in Tieflings as a race.

The main issue here, though, is that 2nd ed was more of a 1st edition thing. In that you could, and were going to, die from a single bad roll. Something could burst out of the sand and eat you. And that was it. You were screwed. There was a reason they had a Paranoia-like insistency on you making multiple characters from the get-go, and starting at 3rd level just so you had a chance of making it through the day in one piece.

3rd edition took this way. More power, more heroism, less grit. 4th edition? There's no darkness or grit there at all. All players are heroes. None of them are just determined peasants or people who have to fight to survive. Dark Sun is a setting where you check twice before even drinking from an oasis and trust no one, not even your own party.

Plus, 3+rd edition psionics will not work in Dark Sun. 2nd ed psionics were extremely subtle and more of a toolbox than an armoury. But from 3rd edition onwards they've been more like arcane magic with a mana pool.

PS: Cirno, I hate you for letting me read that link.


After thinking about it for a bit, I'm not desperately angry about the fact that they're changing the setting. No one sensible would be. My issue is that they're changing the PREMISE, like the fundamental rules of Athas. What races there are, how brutal it is, the fact that there no Gods(or Primordials, or anything of that order.).

If they wanted to alter the setting, they should have kept the basic premise, which is everything up till the start of the Cleansing Wars and the betrayal of Rajaat by his Champions. Maybe they failed at defeating and banishing him, maybe they only crippled him or he blasted most of them to ash with his immense powers. Maybe the world is instead trapped in a perilous balance between Rajaat and his Champions, both sides seeking to destroy the other without leaving themselves with no prize left to claim at the very end.

That would have been an interesting variation on the basic idea which I could have enjoyed.


In fact, what they're kind of doing is like Twilight vs Dracula. With their Athas being Twilight, and the old Athas being Dracula. If they really want to change the fundamental goddamn rules of the thing so badly, they shouldn't try to steal the name. Then they should make their own damn setting.
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Wandering. Not lost. (He/they)
I think that looks interesting, and I continue to be excited for 4e Dark Sun. I don't mind revisions if they help Dark Sun be more Dark Sun, and the observation about the Silt Sea not all blowing away is one that had struck me before.


Wait. I just posted without taking the Lord's name in vain, invoking 'censored' smileys, or implying I'm way smarter/better at design than someone. I must be Interneting wrong.


First Post
I'm not filled with nerdrage upon reading this (or any other preview material). I reckon that the spirit of the setting is being preserved, and the minor details can be fiddled with all they like.

Hey, retcon cosmology, shoehorn in tieflings, make whatever changes are necessary to explain why things happened the way they did now that wizards/arcanists aren't more powerful than everyone else by default. As long as we have city-states ruled by tyrants, separated by vast deserts populated by weirdo monsters*, it's Dark Sun.

*Oh, and cannibal halflings.

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