Morkus from Orkus
Again, though, the context of this discussion is darkvision, and helping someone see better when you don't know where a thing is and have no light source.Sometimes you can. “You’re looking in the wrong place: see over there, under the pine tree? That glint of metal?”
I brought up how you would walk into traps because the disadvantage would make it nearly impossible to spot the harder find DCs for traps, because everyone would have disadvantage to find the trap.. Then someone brought up the help action. If someone has already gotten lucky with their disadvantage and seen the trap, then sure they could help by giving advice on where to look to see it.
Prior to that first person getting lucky, though, everyone is at disadvantage and the help action does nothing. Usually there are only one or two people in a party with a perception high enough to have a decent chance to find a trap under good conditions. Give the disadvantage roll to perception checks or the -5 to passive perception and those few are going to fail the vast majority of the time.