Book-Friend, he/him
While interesting, this post is a pretty good case for Peterson's acade.ic focus on period documents, rather than memory. An awful lot of explicitly paraphrasing there, and some of the facts are a bit sloppy. In the end, it's actually focused on Wallingham's current ride or die hobby horse, poo-pooing diversity in comics, more than a solid historical account of Basic D&D. A little bit of creative remembrance, subconscious or otherwise, methinks.More insider information regarding the topic from a couple of weeks ago. Bill willingham gives his take.
Although, I don’t know how I feel with the realization that my favorite edition only exists because it was meant to screw Dave out of royalties…And now I really really want to see those master rules.
The D&D War
An insider's account of the secret history of the attempt to scam Dave Arneson out of his due
We do know that Arneson was at least not an organized or prolific writer.Not to counteract anything you are saying, but do we know he wasn't invested or do we know that he wasn't a good writer?